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:: 12

but i'm colder than a blizzard

and i'm afraid i'll give you frostbite if we touch


/ florence /

Harry grunted as he was slammed against the side of the police car, his body forcefully rammed against the surface.

The gawky police officer by the name of Officer Schrader promptly handcuffed him before opening the door, and violently shoving him into the back seat. Harry slumped down in the seat next to me and lightly groaned in pain, sprouting derogatory curses in a hushed undertone.

My stomach was lurching as waves of heat coursed through my body, along with cold sweat glistening my gaunt features. I felt like I was going to puke any minute now. Oh god. My grandma..she was going to kill me. I was sitting in the back of a police car with my hands tightly handcuffed behind me, feeling the metal digging into my skin. Harry was in the same state beside me, although unlike me, he looked unperturbed and cool-headed. Here we were, at our arrest, because Harry indiscreetly thought it would be ideal and not at all suspicious to run from a police officer, who was already matter-of-factly advancing towards us.

In the grip of silent panic, my heart pounded furiously, not to mention my brain was on fire, synapses firing like a hyped up internal aurora borealis. We had run for fifteen minutes before we reached a path that came to a dead end; we had no means of escape anywhere in sight which led to Officer Schrader arresting us. I protested vehemently about this unfair arrest as he roughly tugged us both by our forearms to the back of the police car. I couldn't breathe for a minute as the feeling of panic and trepidation gnawed at my insides while I sat incapacitated with fear. Grandma was going to murder me. She warned me not to get involved with any funny business and here I was, probably soon having to get her to bail my imbecile ass out of jail.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I jeered as Officer Schrader pushed his keys into the ignition and began to drive to the police station where we would immediately be charged for trespassing private property and trying to rebel against the law by running like scared little girls. "For God's sake, Harry, why the hell would you run? Now we're being sent to the police station and we're probably going to get criminal records! I told you it was a bad idea from the start, I knew it!"

My palms were sweaty and the adrenaline coursing through my system was shutting down my ability to think logically. Okay, I clearly need to calm down. I was acting like a total lunatic and getting all worked up and overwrought was not going to help the situation we're in whatsoever. People in college get arrested all the time and end up in police cars, almost every weekend. It was normal for them, and therefore it should have been normal for me. I mean, this is college. Right? Yeah right. I'm obviously fooling myself to actually think I was able to handle this predicament positively and survive Grandma's wrath - which I knew I wouldn't.

"Why did you run?" I hissed. "This whole situation could have been perfectly avoided if you just stopped and talked to him like a rational person, instead of darting off like a freaking delinquent!"

He tilted his head back onto the seat and grumbled. "Jesus Flor, I had to, alright? A few weeks ago, I was out with a couple of mates - I was piss drunk and I harrassed him and threw a rock at his face. I didn't think I'd see him again!"

"W-what?" I was lost for words, and I bit my lip to try and stifle a laugh. But then I looked around us and it immediately gave me the cruel reminder of what I've idiotically gotten myself into. "If this ever gets around, I'm never going to live it down. Oh God, if they call my grandmother, I'm dead. Or at least I'll wish I was dead. They're going to blame it on me and...and she'll freak out on -"

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