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The heat that summer really was unbearable. Consequently, Denny's spent most of his time indoors to avoid exhaustion. No one said you couldn't be a cryptid from the the comfort of your own home. Denny's was just about to log onto his Tumblr account when his phone rang. The dashing diner icon's face lit up. He hoped that the unknown caller was his latest lover, Applebee's. To his utter disappointment, his caller was someone he was much less enthusiastic about. Despite his crushed hopes, Denny's answered the call purely out of politeness. Starbuck's always called at the worst times.

"'Sup, Star? Do you need something?" He asked dryly, hoping this wasn't another rant about one of her new (and honestly subpar) drinks. There was a distinct slurping noise before the coffee queen replied.

"Oh. My. God. Do I have a story for you. I really think I need to see you for this. Your expression is gonna be KILLER! Can we FaceTime?"

Denny's sighed. 'Why couldn't she just text me about this?' Pinching the bridge of his nose, the man sighed. "Sure, fine. Just give me a second." He quickly hung up, opening the other app to send out the preferred call. This whole situation was very irritating. Once the call was finally set up, Starbuck's mischievous expression and fluffy, green-streaked hair looked back at him. The whip cream-like substance seemed to have a mind of its own. As expected, she was also holding an ultimate caramel frappuccino.

"Oh, hey!" She let out an unnecessary giggle before taking another sip of her drink. Her mossy colored lips matched the straw in an irritating fashion. The same went for her mocha colored skin. Starbuck's was one of the only people Denny's felt insecure around. Nobody should be allowed to be that pretty.

"So what is it you need to tell me so badly?" Denny's questioned, wanting to get this all done and over with.

"Well, you see, a little birdy told me that your baby has a new little friend." There was an evil glint in her chocolate eyes as she twirled one of her ringlets.

Denny's quirked a brow, curious as to what she was getting at. Applebee's was relatively friendly. He got along with others nicely. "What do you mean?"

"Bruh, are you a dumbfuck or something? Love blinds, I guess. Maybe some caffeine would help you." Starbuck's rolled her eyes. "Applebee's got himself a new bae. You aren't relevant to him anymore," she explained.

"W-WHAT? THAT CAN'T BE TRUE!" The enraged man slammed his fists on the desk, causing the phone to slide down. Picking it up and returning it to its place, he stared down the woman on the other side for answers. Applebee's wouldn't go behind his back like that. It wasn't like him. He was dedicated. He was loyal. He was his. This had to be a lie. A dirty, dirty lie.

"Oh, Denny's. Don't get your eggs in a yolk. You should have seen this for miles. He's had his eyes on IHOB even before he came out. That's really when he took his opportunity. I'm really sorry for you, though. You two made a cute couple. I think you should let him go, but that's just tea." The girl shrugged, taking another sip of her frozen beverage.

Denny's growled in response. His face was tomato red with frustration. "That bitch. I should have known she was up to something. Applebee's is mine, and that is how it should stay. That's how it will stay. I'm not losing him to that slut. Star, I'm sorry, but I have to go," he hissed, hanging up on the all too cheery woman. He immediately called Applebee's, figuring that this needed to end once and for all.

"Hello? Babe, are you there?" An innocent voice picked up on the other end, obviously unaware of his boyfriend's rage.

Denny's hadn't been aware of his long pause. He was breathing so heavy that he could no longer think straight. Taking a deep breath, he attempted to calm himself before replying to the liar on the phone. "Hey, sorry. I was wondering if we could meet up? I need to see you. Like really need to see you."

"Oh, you do?"

He could almost feel the other man smirking from the other side of the phone. Hearing his smug voice only made the anger within swell up. "Yeah. Will tonight work? I'm a bit desperate, my Bee." Denny's had to choke out the pet name. Applebee's couldn't be suspicious of his true intentions.

"Uh, well...I'm a little busy tonight-"

"No," Denny's voice went cold. "You are coming over tonight. None of your plans are more important than me, are they?"

Applebee's let out a small whimper of confliction. "No. I'll be over, I promise. See you later, babe. I love you, bye."

The conversation ended abruptly, only making Applebee's look even more suspicious. Denny's chucked his phone across the room, fury surfacing once more. In an instant, his life was crumbling like burnt toast. Applebee's was going to pay for his betrayal. Denny's would make sure that something like this would never happen again.

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