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(Just a side note: a hate this so fucking much. It brought me PHYSICAL PAIN to write. I hope you sick fucks are happy.)

Applebee's knew he was in for it as soon as they entered the other room. Denny's was an open person. He didn't mind sloppy nights on the the couch or the occasional blowjob in the car. As seen moments earlier, he didn't even mind showing off at times. Taking things to the bedroom when all was well elsewhere only meant that he had something darker in mind. Something more befitting of his anger. Applebee's theory was backed even more when Denny's moved to step in front of him. Depravity shone through the dark pits of his eyes.

Taking Applebee's chin, Denny's looked the man in the eyes. “You are going to turn around, walk over the chair, and bend over. I need to leave the room to get a few things, and you better be in that exact same spot. If I find you anywhere else, you better be prepared for some extra punishment,” he ordered. Pleased with himself, Denny's pulled Applebee's in for another heated kiss. Just when Applebee's attempted to deepen the kiss, Denny's bit his bottom lip and pulled away. He couldn't get distracted for too long. “You know what to do. I'll be back.” Denny's gaze lingered on the man for a moment before he sauntered out of the room.

Taking another deep breath, Applebee's stepped over to the chair Denny's had spoken of. It was a simple armchair patterned with what he thought were sunny-side up eggs. Denny's always did have questionable taste in decor, but it wasn't like Applebee's was any better. In an odd way, Applebee's found Denny's lack of style charming. With that in mind, Applebee's followed through with his lover's commands with the hope that he may treat his with mercy. He bent over the eccentric piece of furniture, making sure to spread his legs out to display what he had to offer. The man nervously trembled in anticipation. Though he wasn't certain what Denny's was up to, he had a general idea.

“Ah, I see you actually listened. Since when are you such a compliant whore? I like this.” Denny's crept behind Applebee's without his knowledge, reaching up to slip a hand in his touseled burgundy locks. His mouth was mere centimeters from his ear, warm breath fanning down his neck. This caused Applebee's trembling to increase. “Nervous? You should be, dear.” Despite his menacing words, Denny's actually untied the rope binding his boyfriend's hands. “Hold onto the chair and don't let go. I want to see your knuckles go white every time the pain courses through your body.  I see you've already spread out nicely.” One of Denny's hands groped Applebee's ass, causing him to flinch in surprise. “Stay just like that for me, okay? Now, I have a very important question for you. How many nights did you stay away from me? How long were you gone?”

Applebee's swallowed hard, trying to think of the last time he actually stayed over at Denny's. This task was even more difficult considering his compromising position.  “The l-last t-time? I d-don’t know. I'm so-” A loud smack sounded in the deathly quiet room, and Applebee's felt a stinging on his backside. Denny's wasn't playing around. “Two weeks? I think it m-might have been two weeks, sir.”

Denny's gave a contented smile, though it lacked its typical warmth. He rubbed the spot on Applebee's ass he had just hit to soothe the pain he knew to be there. “Good. Now, how many of those nights were you with another. How many of those nights was someone else touching you the way only I should? Kissing you? Loving you? Corrupting you? Tell me, little Bee, because I'd really love to know.”

Applebee's winced. Denny's was trying to get to him. It was working. “Two nights,” he replied sheepishly. “One with IHOP and the other with IHOB. I-is that what you want to know?”

“Yes. I think I can work off of that.” Denny's gathered a large chunk of flesh underneath his thumb and forefinger, bringing them together in a brutal pinch. There was another wince. “Let's see, two weeks is fourteen days. Fourteen days times two is twenty-eight. It's a smaller number than I wanted, but it will do. If you disobey me, I will make some additions.” He slipped away to a spot that Applebee's could not see.

“Wha-what do you mean? Twenty-eight what?” Applebee's was already gripping the chair as hard as he thought he could. The suspense was killing him, but didn't have to wait much longer.


(I hate myseeellllllfffffff)

Denny's wielded a black and red spatula, which was his choice instrument of punishment. This way, he could combine two of his hobbies. “How many are left, little Bee?” He teased the tender flesh by slowly dragging the plastic object over the submissive man's reddening cheek.


“Correct.” Drawing his arm back with a flair of drama, Denny's laid the next blow. It was hard and swift. There was enough power behind it to leave an immediate welt.

Applebee's did his best not to make any noises. That would only give Denny's more power over him. “Twenty-six.”

“Good, good.” This time, Denny's delivered the next set of whacks in a rapid-fire motion. There were seven, to be exact.”

“Twenty-five, twenty-four, twenty-three, twenty-two, uh, ah! Eighteen? Was that eighteen? Oh more? Ah-ahh, I don't know,” Applebee's whimpered. He so desperately wanted to move away just for a moment to recover. He hadn't received this type of treatment in a long time. His tolerance was low.

“Nineteen,” Denny's snarled, voice devoid of emotion. He struck Applebee's once more, this time pausing to ghost his fingers over the afflicted area. “Start at nineteen again. Do not make any further mistakes, or I will make you start all over again.”

Applebee's nodded, readjusting his grip on the chair to prepare himself. Denny's was an impatient man when it came to these matters. He may seem laid back around others, but his attitude quickly changed in an intimate setting. “Yes, sir. Nineteen.”

“Wonderful.” Denny's served the next series of hits with such an even precision that he almost lost count. If it weren't for Applebee's, he very well could have.

“Z-zero, sir,” Applebee's choked out. His breathing had increased drastically, chest heaving up and down at a rapid rate. It took him a second to fall back into a pattern of normalcy. Still, his heart fluttered despite himself. He was so focused on his breathing that he barely registered that Denny's was lovingly rubbing the sting away from his skin. It was kind gesture that did not last as long as it should have.

“You did very well.” There was the clatter of the spatula hitting the floor and the shuffle of feet as Denny's moved to press himself against Applebee's. “But we are not yet done, my Bee.” His lips brushed against the man's cheek and neck before finding their final resting place on his shoulder. With one hand wrapped around the Applebee's chest, Denny's pulled his boyfriend upward while keeping his mouth in place. He nipped at the skin before pulling away and walking around to face him. “We're going to go over to the bed now. All you need to do is lay down on the bed and relax. I will handle the rest.”

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