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(You know the drill. Oh, and if a few sentences sound exceptionally weird, some friends made a few requests. Also if you have issues with blood and that kind of thing, I would skip this chapter)

Dennys eased his weight off of Applebees thinner frame, feeling his chest sharply rise and fall. He ran a hand down his chest, smile finding its way onto his lips. "I may be mad at you, but I can't help but let you know just how proud I am." Dennys leaned over to ruffle Applebees tousled hair, feeling the man flinch underneath his touch. "Bee? What's wrong? Why do you act like you are afraid of me?"

Applebees let out a heavy sigh, trying to keep himself still. "I'm-I'm not," he stammered out. In reality, he was anxiously wondering how far Dennys was going to go. This had gone on for quite some time, and Applebees knew that Dennys was not one to restrain himself when he wanted something.

"Oh, Bee, don't deny it. You're shaking. Oh, but why are you afraid now? Why were you not scared of me when you cheated?" Dennys leaned his weight back on Applebees' body, trying to ignore the tantalizing friction. He leaned forward, barely separated from Applebees face. "You want to be scared? I'll show you something to be scared of." His smile morphed into a sinister grin, unnoticed by Applebees, of course. "I'd tell you not to leave, but I see you have no choice." To emphasize his point, Dennys tightened the restraints. "I'll be back momentarily." He clamored out of the bed, leaving Applebees in a confused conglomeration of terror and anticipation.

His heart beat harder with each footstep he heard. The faint sound of rummaging echoed in the back, causing his anxiety to spike exponentially. Dennys was looking for something. That was never a good thing. There was a pause, a sinister giggle, and a series of footsteps. The door squeaked open, and Applebees' body tensed.

"Bee~" Dennys cooed. Applebees felt him crawl back onto the bed, body hovering just above his own.  "Aw, you're still shaking, love. This time you should be." Applebees felt cold metal brush against his skin, sending a trail of shivers down his spine.

"D-Dennys...what is that?" He stuttered out, hands trembling from beneath the binding.  A searing sting tore down his chest, eliciting soft yell. "Wh-what are you doing?" Applebees' breathing grew heavier as the pain began to set in.

"Teaching you a lesson, my dear Bee. You see, I have the power to do whatever I want. You are absolutely helpless." To drive in that point, Dennys dragged the knife down Applebees chest once more. Two lines of red blood pooled together, painting a gruesome picture on that pale canvas of Applebees' body. The man cried out, pulling at the restraints, but Dennys seemed unphased by his interjections of affliction. "You see, I could do anything to you. Kill you, even. Yet, I choose not to. Why? Because I couldn't stand living in a world without you." Dennys leaned over, pressing his lips to the wounds he had recently inflicted. He then moved forward, stealing a kiss from his panicked boyfriend.

Applebees could taste his own blood on his lover's lips, which was deeply disturbing. But, the only person he had to blame was himself. Once Dennys had pulled away, Applebees chewed on his bottom lip, hoping this dull pain would distract him from the burning lines carved into his chest.

Dennys dipped his fingers in Applebees' blood, casually smearing it on the other's body. "I have self-control." That was a lie, and they both knew it. "Sometimes there are things I want to do, but I have enough will-power to not do it. You, on the other hand, are much different." Dennys traced bloody trails from Applebees' torso down to his thighs. "Instead of thinking about how it might affect someone, you decide not to restrain yourself. I don't think you realize how much I hurt right now. Part of me wants to make you hurt worse than I do." Without any warning, he dragged the blade across Applebee's thigh, leaving a long crimson cut. "But I know that wouldn't be the best option in the long-run. In comparison, you may have gotten temporary joy from sleeping with that whore, but was it really worth it?"

Teeth still digging into his lip, Applebees shook his head. "N-no. It wasn't. It really wasn't. I was fucking stupid. I-I love you and only you, and I just made a mistake. I'm sorry. So sorry, p-please just-" He paused, surprised to be regaining his vision. Dennys had slipped off the blindfold, tossing it to the side. He then placed the knife on the nightstand, using his now-free hand to grab Applebees' face. Blinking, Applebees' did his best to assess the situation he was in. His body was smeared with a macabre mixture of blood and chocolate, frightening yet appropriate. The sight made him light-headed, so he shifted his focus to his boyfriend's form. With the exception of the blood crusted around his mouth and hands, Applebees found everything about Dennys utterly beautiful. The way his messy golden hair tumbled over his shoulders and how the sweat glistened on his tan skin. How his eyes were a vast portal into his thoughts and feelings, no matter how well guarded he tried to be. Applebees could always tell what he was feeling by the way his eyes shifted and darkened. He had spent a lot if his time memorizing the man's moods by merely the look in his eye. In that moment, he saw a vast amount of torment. Dennys was hurting, and it was all his fault. Guilt washed over him all at once, like a tidal wave on an unsuspecting city. Tears filled the man's eyes, and he fought to blink them all away. How had he been so foolish?

"No, no, no, I didn't mean to make you cry, little Bee." Dennys stroked his cheek, wiping the tears away as he did so. "I just wanted you to know what I was feeling. You used to be so good at knowing, but things have been different lately. I just wanted you to understand me again." He gave Applebee's a gentle kiss, the action a high contrast from his previous behavior. "I will never stop loving you. I simply hope that one day you will love me back the same."

This did not help Applebees' fragile emotional state. His soft cries broke out into sobs, eyes closed and face turned away from Dennys. He didn't deserve him. He didn't deserve a second chance. Yes, he methods of going about the whole thing was odd to say the least, but it effective, nonetheless. Applebees attempted to stifle his weeping, fearful of Dennys' reaction to his outburst.

"This is no good. How can I get any enjoyment out of you when you're crying?" Dennys' twisted jab at humor had no effect on Applebees. Pouting, Dennys sat himself down on Applebees' lap, once again trying to disregard how pleasant the friction was. He cupped both sides of Applebees' face, peppering it with kisses. Such physical reassurance helped soothe the man, slowly bringing the cries down to soft sniffles. Applebees was soon able to reciprocate the affection, catching Dennys' mouth whenever possible. To make things easier for them both, Dennys limited himself to Applebees' mouth, taking the time to let no inch go unexplored.

As the intensity of the kiss increased, so did Dennys' urges. He gradually began to rock his hips, allowing his p h a l l i c  d e v i c e, now  s o p p y  with precum, to glide over Applebees' skin. In the process, Dennys accidentally let a moan escape. As much as he wanted to drag out his lesson for Applebees, he could not wait much longer. He needed to be

"Bee, honey, I hope you're ready." Dennys straddled Applebees, back upright and grin devilish. One hand went to grasp Applebees' chin, and the other to grip his rock-hard cock. "Because I think it's about time to move onto the main course."

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