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Around 7:45 PM, three soft knocks were placed on the wood of Denny's apartment door. The guilty man had finally arrived. Denny's jumped off of the couch and ran a hand through his golden locks. After mentally preparing himself, Denny's approached the door and opened it. He tried not to flinch at the sight of Applebee's face.

"Um, hi. I brought wings and desert. You like that, right?" Applebee's was slightly taller than Denny's, something the other man never heard the end of. His dark red hair was usually well kept, except for the cowlick he could never really get rid of. If he grew it out just a little more, it might go away. His skin was the color of sun bleached stone. He was thin but by no means frail. Denny's had spent time memorize every inch of him. He worshipped him. Prior to today, he thought the feeling was mutual. Apparently, Applebee's had a taste for someone else's pancakes.

"Hello, dear. Why don't you come in? I'll take those for you." Denny's snatched the takeout bag from Applebee's hands, running it off to the kitchen. He returned to the living room where the other man awkwardly stood. Denny's made a point to hold eye contact as long as possible. "Sit and stay awhile. We haven't talked in such a long time. I miss you so much." Denny's took Applebee's hand, bringing it up to his mouth for a kiss. He never broke his gaze. He could see the guilt in Applebee's green eyes.

"Yeah, I guess we haven't." Applebee's nervously chuckled, looking away. He was really bad at hiding his secrets.

They moved over to the couch, and Denny's kept close. He wasn't letting Applebee's go. "So what have you been up to, dude? Long time no see. I almost forgot what you looked like." That was a blatant lie.

"Oh, you know, the normal," Applebee's replied sheepishly. Color was creeping up his face.

"So cheating on me is normal for you?" Denny's snapped, getting right to the point.

Terror filled Applebee's eyes. His face was now completely scarlet. "N-no, I mean, w-what? Why would I do that? I love you!" He protested, scooting as far away from Denny's as possible. His back hit the armrest.

"Lying, are we? That isn't very polite. Rumor has it that you and IHOB are getting pretty close, right? He's tempting, isn't he? All of those flavors are enticing." Denny's leaned over Applebee's, speaking into his ear in a sultry whisper. "Tell me, Bee, what did she taste like? I know you took a bite."

"N-no! I didn't! We didn't! I never would-"

"Shut up, you whore. I know what you did. I know everything. Answer my question and I might go easier on you. I'll ask it one more time: what did she taste like?" Denny's squeezed Applebee's arms, keeping him pinned against the couch.

Tears filling his eyes, Applebee's squeaked out his response. "Syrup. IHOP tasted like syrup. IHOB tasted like the salt on French fries. I-I'm sorry. I never should have done it. I promise it started as a kiss. I n-never meant it to..."

Denny's shushed him, pulling back to look at the face of his unfaithful lover. "You know what this means, don't you?" Applebee's nodded, tears running down his flushed cheeks. "Good. Get up." Denny's moved off of the man, standing up. Applebee's did the same, though he kept his eyes on the ground. "Kneel," Denny's commanded. Again, Applebee's complied.

"Now, tell me what you are," he ordered, grabbing Applebee's face to force him to look up. "Tell me."

(I hate myself so much)

"I'm a b-bad b-boy," he stuttered with a sniffle.

"Say it again, louder."

"I'm a bad boy!" Applebee's repeated.

A dastardly grin worked its way onto Denny's face. This was going perfectly. "Yes, yes you are. Tell me, Bee, what happens to bad boys?"

Applebee's gulped. "They get...they get punished."

"Correct. I can't let you get away with these things unscathed. Poor, poor, Bee. You'll learn your lesson after this, I swear." Denny's hand went over to Applebee's hair, tugging on it to prompt him to stand. He pushed him back into the wall, pulling the man down for a passionate kiss. Denny's wasted no time pushing his tongue into the perpetrator's sinful mouth. He wanted to prove that he was better than that other pancake slut. His burgers were far superior, and so was his love.

Applebee's let out a soft moan, letting Denny's enter at will. His guard was down, but he was prepared for anything Denny's had to offer. He would welcome it with open arms. After all, this was what he deserved.

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