Dinner pt. 1

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(Sooooooo............one of my good b u d d i e s [sewer rat] suggested this chapter's topic. idk I could have ignored them but kjhghfghjh I'm a slut for a challengeeeeee)
(Also more blood shit soooooo beware)

Applebees winced, the abrupt stimulation eliciting a sharp inhale. "D-Dennys I'll do anything. Please, j-just-" He stopped, feeling Dennys squeeze tighter on his dick. Eyes nervously shifting up to look at his lover's face, Applebees grimaced. He was met by the smirk that never seemed to leave Dennys face. Applebees opened his mouth to say something, but the words turned into a pained yelp.

Dennys had moved his hand, fingers now squeezing his boyfriend's balls. He was eager to open up the pretty package he had wrapped himself, but the nervous look on Applebees' face may make the wait worthwhile. Smirk evolving into a disquieting grin, he squeezed harder, using the majority of his strength to squeeze the two testicles together. His eyes filled with sadistic joy as he continued to apply force. Applebees squirmed, face twisting up in discomfort. He cried out, only to be silenced by the palm of Dennys hand. "As much as I want to believe that you've learned your lesson, I need to make sure. Don't you agree?" There was another rough pinch, and Applebees fervently nodded. "Good, good. I'm glad we can see eye to eye on something." Applebees whimpered again, causing Dennys to pinch harder. "Oh, don't be like that. This is just as hard for me. I don't usually like seeing you in pain. Besides, there are other things we could be doing right now." He released some of the pressure, letting Applebees take in a single shallow breath. It would soon reapplied, eliciting a rather drawn out whimper.

It took all of Dennys' will not to break down right there. Applebees' torture had to continue, but he could not deny how worked up he was getting. His own erection throbbed as it pressed against the skin of his boyfriend's abdomen, sending tantalizing signals throughout his body. Ending it now would be letting him off too easy, which was far from what he intended to do. Still, he could not deny the pain he was inflicting on himself. In the midst of his confliction, an idea came to mind. He had something that just might solve both of his problems.

"Okay, Bee. I need you to listen very closely. " Keeping a firm grip on the other's scrotum, Dennys leaned over to retrieve the knife he had previously discarded. "I need you to sit perfectly still, can you do that? Because moving could be catastrophic for you, darling. alright?" Looking up into his lover's eyes, Dennys could see the fear he was working hard to evoke.  Swallowing hard, Applebees finally nodded.

Holding the knife steadily in his hands, Dennys painstakingly carved his initials above Applebees genitals, wiping the blood away so he had a good view of his work. Applebees bit his lip, eyes closed as he whimpered. Smiling Dennys brought the knife up, tasing Applebees' cock with the blunt side of the blade. As he trailed it up his length, the tip of the knife nicked his head. A red pearl of blood formed, dripping down Applebees' dick and onto his abdomen. Marveling at the sight, Dennys grinned, creating a succession of small cuts around the swollen head.

A tear rolled down Applebees' pale cheek, as he bit into his lip so hard it drew blood. He despised the taste, but feared that spitting out the liquid would give Dennys more ideas. At this point, his dick was covered in blood, which dripped down to the rest of his body.

With no warning, Dennys threw the knife to the ground, and leaned over to wrap his lips around the tip of his boyfriend's dick, lining his mouth with the other's tangy blood. Pulling away with a feeling of satisfaction, Dennys stepped off of the bed. "I need to get something, Bee. Something that will make this much better." He turned around with a wink, casually walking to the closet. After digging around for a few moments, he produced what appeared to be a wooden, black bar. "Alright, dear Bee, I'm going to untie you under a few small conditions." He straddled the man, weight of his body pressing down on him. "You'll have to get on all fours, and you are not allowed to run. Running may have some...unsavory consequences."

Fearful of answering differently, Applebees nodded. Dennys' grin widened, leaning over to work on the restraints. He made the action tantalizingly slow, holding Applebees' hands as he freed them.  After kissing both wrists, he dropped the limbs. "It's time to arrange yourself for me, little Bee."

Applebees lifted himself from the mattress, disregarding the pain shooting down his body. Glancing down, he noticed the small pools of blood gathering on the sheets. Wincing, he flipped over, hands and knees rubbing against the soaked fabric.

"Good, good, little Bee." Dennys scooted forward on his knees, bending his body over the other man's.  His hands ghosted his sides, sweat and blood smearing across his skin.  "Just do one more little thing for me." His hands groped the cleft of Applebees' ass, spreading it apart. His fingers then dance down to his inner thighs, squeezing the tender flesh.  "Now stay still, my dear." Dennys reached over to retrieve the black bar, unhinging the latch and opening it up. He placed it between Applebees' legs, clamping it down beneath his scrotum. "Just a little humbler to make sure all of this attention doesn't go to your head."

The bar extended from between his legs to the middle of his thighs, restricting all movement unless he wanted to painfully strain his cock. Applebees was not sure what Dennys was doing to him, but he felt the pressure of the humbler separating his genitalia and eliciting pain. Trying to reposition himself to alleviate some of the discomfort, Applebees discovered that moving did the opposite. He let out a loud wince, fingers scrunching the stained sheets.

All the while, Dennys looked on with glee. "You look so beautiful, Bee. All stretched out." He leaned over his body once more, lips barely separated from his partner's ear. "Let's see what else we can stretch out." He nibbled on the man's earlobe before retracting and stepping off onto the floor. "I have to get a few more things. Pardon me for being so unorganized." Again, he disappeared off into the kitchen, the sound of clanking silverware filling the apartment. He returned with various items in his hands, both appearing to have no relevance as to what was currently happening. "I always feel bad when I don't use a gift that my friends have given me. Maybe now they can serve a purpose." Dennys laid the objects out on the bed, and Applebees strained to see them. It appeared to be a set of chopsticks, a skinny candle, a lighter, and a milk frother. "But, you are something that I will use thoroughly."

(please end me)
(id say im sorry about this being late, but you deranged fuckers deserve to wait)

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