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"Neil, how would you feel about me adopting Billy?" Susan put her fork down and swallowed. "I've talked about it with Max... they've been getting along so well lately. I think it would be a good idea."

Neil chewed slowly, swallowed. The back of Billy's neck felt like it was on fire. He was taking too long to respond, right? God, he was going to get mad and Billy would have ruined not just his chances of getting out but Susan and Max's as well. "I think that sounds like a great idea. What do you think, Billy?" His glare dared him to disagree.

"I think that's a really good idea, Susan. Max and I have gotten so close, and I'd like to think we have, as well. I know we didn't get off on the right foot, but I hope we can get better." Billy smiled a forced smile and Max grinned at him across the table.

"I've been doing research. I have the paperwork... all I need is for you to sign it." Susan squeezed Neil's hand, smiled.

"Well, that sounds just lovely."


Karen Hall overdosed on heroin the day of her nineteenth birthday.

She had always been preached to by everyone, Chloe, Ronnie, her friends, her brother, not to do drugs alone, but on that day, her first birthday without her brother, she parked her car at the quarry and shot up, all alone. Immediately, she knew something was wrong. It didn't feel right. Something was off. Tina goddamn Turner was on the radio, which made her think of Chloe and Lizzie. The part of her brain that wasn't drug addled mush opened the car door, fell out onto the ground. She laid there for about ten minutes until a mother walking her dog went by, picked her up, brought her to the ER.

The hospital called her house. Her dad answered the phone, gave his insurance info, and hung up. He didn't show. He didn't tell her mother. He just continued reading the paper. The insurance was more than she deserved, anyway.

Rumors spread fast in a town like Hawkins. Elizabeth was the first to hear, from a friend. She made some pathetic excuse and ran all the way home from the movies. When she got in the door, Ronnie was in the living room watching the news like he always did.

She didn't realize she was crying until her dad asked what was wrong. She spat out what she'd heard, sobbed harder. They rushed out to the car, started driving.

"God, dad! Drive faster! Karen is fucking dying! My sister is fucking dying-"

"The speed limit is thirty five! Do you want to get pulled over right now?"

Liz let out another choked sob. "Just get there."


Chloe was about to go on her morning run when her phone rang. She picked up, still tying her shoe. "Clark residence. This is Chloe speaking."

"God, Chloe, I'm sorry. We've never met, my name is Elizabeth-"

"Karen's Elizabeth?" She frowned. Elizabeth seemed way too upset for nine thirty in the morning.

"Yeah, fuck. She... just get to the hospital. She fucking... heroin. Overdosed. The goddamn stupid bitch. Just get here."

She was on the phone dialling Steve's number as soon as she slammed the phone down, tears spilling down her numb face.


Steve was still asleep when he got the call. He answered, recognizing Chloe's number. He didn't even get a chance to say hello before Chloe started talking. Her voice was monotone, emotionless. "Karen overdosed this morning. Heroin. I'll be at your house in fifteen minutes. Get Billy."

The words barley registered in his mind, but he dialled Billy's number anyway.


Billy was sitting in bed when Neil walked in. He was thinking about how it was official now - he was Susan Mayfield's son. He could get out soon. "Billy, the Harrington kid is on the phone. Saying something about your girlfriend, Karen. He sounds upset."

He shot up immediently, running to the phone. Steve knew not to call Billy's house unless something was incredibly wrong. "What happened?"

"Oh, god. No, that's not... She couldn't... I thought she was... are you on your way?"

"Yeah, I'll be outside." Billy hung up, turning to face his dad. "Karen, my girlfriend... she's in the hospital. Steve is coming to pick me up." Susan walked over to Billy, gave him a hug.

"Oh, baby, of course. What happened? Was there an accident?"

Billy shot a wary look at his father. "Um. An overdose."

Neil sneered. "You're dating a druggie?"

Susan frowned. "Billy, I'm so sorry. Why don't you wait outside for Steve?"


The three of them were silent on the car ride. When they got to the ER, Chloe recognized Elizabeth, who ran up to the group of them. "Hi, guys. Karen has told me a lot about you. I'm Elizabeth. She's my honorary sister."

They all looked at eachother, at this stranger. None of them had seen much of Karen after Chloe and her's fight, so this girl was... new. Finally, Steve spoke. "Do they know what happened?"

Liz's smile faltered. "Yeah. Uh... she went to the quarry this morning. She used a needle -"

Billy inhaled sharply. "She did?"

"Yeah. She shot up, then I guess she tried to get out of the car. Mrs. Anderson, across town, she was walking her dog when she found her. She was half in the car half out, sorta slipping in and out of consciousness. She said -" Liz's voice cracked, her smile faded. She couldn't keep up the strong and stoic facade anymore. Karen could be dead. "She said her fingers and her nose and her ears were all blue."

Chloe's tears started up again. Steve looked too pale. Billy still looked troubled. Ronnie walked over to the group of them, and Chloe tensed up next to Steve, who looked over at her, confused. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Ronnie frowned. "What? Who... are you Chloe?"

"Yeah, man, fuck you." Billy and Steve looked at eachother, and despite everything, smiled. Seemed that nothing could change Chloe and make her any less than she was.

"I don't understand." Ronnie looked genuinely concerned, and people were starting to stare. Chloe took Ronnie by the hand, dragged him outside. The group trailed.

"She wouldn't be in this fucking place if she'd never met you." Chloe spat, shoving a finger in Ronnie's face. "Now we don't know if she's dead or alive and it's all your fault. She was just a kid!" She was your daughter's age!"

"How is any of this my dad's fault?"

"He dealt to her!"

"Yeah, for a little!" Elizabeth's anger was rolling off her in waves. She didn't particularly like her dad, but what did this girl know?

"A little?" Chloe laughed incredulously. "A little? Shit, girl, they met when she was fifteen years old. Freshman year. Yeah, Ronnie, she told me all about you. How you became friends. How you two got high together? How you two talked and talked and how you were best friends and how you were so mature but so nice and how you made getting high so much more fun? How hanging out with you made her go back more often?"

Ronnie swallowed, shook her head. "I never... I never wanted that. I never meant for it to work that way."

Chloe sneered, crossed her arms. Billy and Steve just watched in silent amazement. Elizabeth looked horrified. "But it did, didn't it? She was a kid. She was Elizabeth's age. You didn't give a shit. You treated her like she was an adult but she wasn't and it's all your fucking fault!" She yelled the last part, then turned to Billy and Steve behind her. "I'm going inside and I'm getting in that fucking room."

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