Chapter 8

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The next day, I walked into the pool room, and the scent of chlorine swept through my nostrils. Sarah and Sage came, rushing me with darkly printed flyers in their hands, Great, another showcase to prepare for.

When they closed in, Sage pushed the piece of paper into my rib. What is it? I asked, feeling sure of the answer.

Coach Cam is throwing a Halloween bash this weekend, Sage said.

I was lost at first; unsure of whether Id heard her correctly. A Halloween bash? I repeated. I knew Coach Cam and Christy could be fun at times but seriously, a real-life party for real-life college students? They must not have thought this one over.

I skimmed through the words on the flyer. It was this weekend. Whered yall get these from? I asked, holding the paper up to them.

It was in the locker room, Sarah chimed, ..under a bag of candy in each locker.

Kara now it made sense; that was why she was in here so late yesterday.

Oh, okay, cool. I shrugged.

I glanced over at the water, third lane, underneath the diving board. Kara was the only thing on my mind. I was suddenly missing her again; missing the way she stared into my eyes as I touched her body softly before closing her eyes and becoming a loud record on repeat. I wanted her in my presence. So, you going to the party this weekend? a soft voice broke in.

I knew it was Kendall; I turned to her. Yeah, Ill more than likely be there. Are you going?

I was thinking about it. How was yesterday? she asked as we started for the locker room.

What the fuck? My face went blank as fast as her words came. Kara was the only thing that came to mind, clouding my thoughts as the blood flushed my face.

Yesterday? I winced.

Yeah. The camp.

Oh, yeah, I croaked, relieved. It was cool; the kids had fun. They had me feeling all inspired to swim afterward, and when I got back here, I got in the pool. I heard practice was canceled though.

Oh, yeah, I meant to text you. Howd you find out?

I paused, acting like I was trying to remember. Instead, I contemplated bringing up the name. I didnt know whether it would cause more unspoken tension or if it would even matter. Hey, yall, Karas voice cut in as she came in the distance. Id dodged that bullet, but now the answer was here in full physical form.

Whats up? I responded, looking her up and down.

Kendalls voice followed, Hey, with little enthusiasm.

So, yall got the flyers? She smiled at Kendall and then her eyes slid to me, piercing.

My mind was stuck, still holding on to her words from yesterday as I held the flyer up to her with a raised brow. You put these in there? I asked. I could tell I sounded like I knew more than I should have. I stopped before Kendall could think up anything.

Kara was glowing with excitement as she answered, Yeah, I did it yesterday at the end of softball practice.

I took it as her confession to what she was doing in here yesterday before she left the locker room. Im going to go get dressed, Kendall said.

I looked at her. Alright, Ill be in there soon. She headed for the locker room.

I turned back to Kara, and her face was covered with concern. I hope I wasnt interrupting, she said, raising a brow. Im not trying to come between anything.

I bit my bottom lip. No, I told you thats dead, but you couldnt tell me you were laying out some measly little flyers, really?

Her eyes softened; she shrugged her shoulders. Cam wanted it to be a surprise; I guess, since it was the first one theyre throwing so I just listened, sheesh. It better be that serious, youre not my boo, she scoffed, cutting her eyes. Mine followed as my sights narrowed. I eased away heading for the locker room. Yeah, go to your bae, her voice trailed in a whisper.

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