One Last Update

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Alright everyone, so basically, I'm in the process of writing the next chapter of You Help Me Live, and as you probably know, it's the second to last one. 

In all this story has really become somewhat of a release for me, and in all honesty, I feel really connected to it, and it's proving to be very diffucult to end it. I have just started reading it from the beginning, and seeing the drastic changes in how I was writing, to how I am writing, is something unbelieveable to me. 

The response to this story was a complete surprise to me. I had no idea that anything I wrote could have anyone truly reading and voting for it. It's because of you googilies that this story is about to be finished. This will actually be my first finished story, and I owe it all to you.

I'm going to put everything I can into making these last 2 chapters amazing for you googilies, and I hope that all of you love it. I'm not sure how soon I will update, seeing as school is holding me back a bit. I will try to upload before the weeks end, but I can promise nothing. If you would like more info, or just someone to talk to, feel free to message me at anytime. I always reply.

I just want to thank all of you again for sticking by this story. I hope to someday talk and be friends with each and everyone of you, but I know the friends I have made through this, are some I hope to have forever. 

Stay Beautiful My Googilies,

                                        -TypeIsLife XD

You Help Me Live (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now