Legerdemain [available]

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TITLE: Legerdemain

TIMELINE: 1996 - post war

OC NAME: Ashley Ferguson

FACECLAIM: Gabriella Wilde

LOVE INTEREST: George Weasley

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LOVE INTEREST: George Weasley

STATUS: Available


"We're off to the village, there's a very pretty girl working in the paper shop who thinks my card tricks are something marvellous...almost like real magic..."
-George Weasley in 1996


After breaking out of Umbridge infested Hogwarts, the Weasley twins were very much like two caged birds who have found freedom at last. Leaving Hogwarts in such an epic way without getting expelled was one of their most wondrous feats up till now.

With their freedom back and much more time on their hands, they decided to revisit the Muggle village where they had spent part of their childhood baffling muggles with their incredibly ridiculous ideas.

The visit to the paper shop however proved a little surprising. With one card trick and one pretty smile, how probable it was for one of the redheads to lose his heart to a Muggle salesgirl?

Highly unlikely.

But in this world, the unlikely has a special tendency to transform into undeniable, every once in a while.


•According to Harry Potter Wiki, a very pretty Muggle girl worked as a shopgirl at a paper shop in Ottery St Catchpole. During the Christmas holidays of 1996, she was visited by Fred and George Weasley; the latter showed her card tricks that she found extremely impressive, unaware that George was using real magic.

•Legerdemain means an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers or the skillful use of hands while showing magic tricks.

•As you can tell, the story has to start from the Weasley twin's epic breakout from Hogwarts. Molly must have been furious at them initially but cooled down when she received Ron and Ginny's letters relating the event and stating that the twins had done best to leave.

•Fred and George are mighty proud of this achievement of theirs and are sure their name will be written in history as the first students who left the school on their own and made a showstopper exit.

•They visit the Muggle town often after they first met the paper shop girl. The town becomes a retreat site for them where they go to temporarily be free from the horrible threats of war.

•Unlike the twins, Ashley has led a very simple and normal life. She was quite intrigued by the Weasley twins and sometimes thinks they are both living in a very different kind of world. She has a very curious nature but a gentle personality.

•Once, Ashley told them of a carnival that was going to be held nearby and invited them to come along with her. Both were busy in some Order mission on that day but somehow they managed and Fred asked George to go on his behalf and tell him all that happened later.

•The carnival can be kinda like Ashley and George's first date. So there's a lot of room for cute and sweet moments.

•Fredgelina is real and no one is supposed to break it, not even George.

•This plot can be expanded to post war as well but it totally depends on the author. After the war George becomes very reclusive but meets Ashley later on who helps him recover.

After Poison Ivy this is my most favorite and extensively thought out plot. If help is needed with any part of the story, feel free to message me.


Imaan (Purplemist14)

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