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     Once upon a time there was a village not to far from a forest. Now this forest wasn't any ordinary forest. It was a magical forest. Only the fairy tale creatures lived there. Perhaps you heard of some fairy tale creatures. The fairy tale creatures that lived there are witches, wizards, fairies, vampires, and werewolves. However there is one more person that lives there. But they haven't found him yet. The person that we are all waiting for is a hero. One of the witches that lived there her name is Samantha. Samantha was not always evil sometimes she was good. Most of the creatures in the forest were good there was barely any that were fully bad. Nobody knew this but there is one person that is bad. But nobody knows who it is. The people that make the laws for the fairytale creatures had an important announcement to make.
The announcer said," Gather around everyone. Gather around."
All the fairytale creatures gathered around the announcer.
The announcer said," All right all what I'm about to tell you people came from the law. Now days at night all of you will start to feel weird and have a headache. The reason why that is happening because you will turn into your dark form or dark side whichever one you call it. When you turn into your dark form, you will forget everything you did. You won't remember anything that happened at night. You will only remember what happens in the daytime. But if you decide to turn into your dark form during the daytime. You will remember what happened because it's in the day. Well that is everything everyone have a nice day."
Everyone was getting all worried and upset. The announcer turned back around.
He said," Oh wait everyone. There was something I forgot to mention."
Everyone turned back around to the announcer.
The announcer said," I know that most of you don't like to be evil. But when you turn into your dark form at night. You will be evil. When you decide to turn into a dark form during the daytime you will not be evil."
Everyone was disappointed.
The announcer said," And that's just the beginning of it."
Samantha ran up to the announcer.
She said," Wait. What do you mean that's just the beginning of it?"
The announcer got off his horse. He walked over to Samantha.
He said," Because pretty soon whether any of you like it or not. You will be fully evil all the time. So get ready for it."
She said," And I suppose the law came up with that."
He said," They did. Anyway till next time. Bye."
Samantha walked to her horse. She started crying.
She said," You know what this is exactly what the law wants. They are making us all evil just so they can rule the world. Well I'm not gonna let that happen."
She rode her horse home. She got off her horse when she arrived home.
She said," Here is some food for you dear."
She held out an apple for her horse to eat.
She pet it and gave it a kiss. She went into her house. She grabbed her coat.
She said," If no one is going to do anything about this. Then I'll just have to do it myself."
She went outside and decided to go to the village to find help. Alex saw Samantha.
He said," Samantha where are you going?"
Samantha turned around.
She said," I'm going to the village."
He said," What why ? You know the village has  real people there. They aren't fairytale people like us."
She said," I know. But I'm going because we need help. I'm not gonna let the law get away with this. Which is why I'm going. Plus we haven't found our hero yet anyway. He might be out there. I'm gonna go find him."
She ran.
He said," No Samantha wait. Oh great."
He went back home. As soon as Samantha crossed the border, she tripped and fell. She stood back up.
She said," Wow for the first time ever I crossed the border."
She walked around.
She said," Wow this is a big village."
She kept walking.

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