A Way Out

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Samantha said," I can't think of anything sadly."
Buster looked at Samantha. He saw her hands were glowing pink sparkles out of them. He barked.
Samantha looked at Buster.
She said," Shh. Buster they will hear you."
Buster stopped barking.
He said," Have you seen your hands?"
She said," What?"
She looked at her hands. She screamed. She stood up and walked farther back.
She said," What? What??? Is happening to me?"
He said," Are you thinking of something?"
She said," Uh. Yes."
He said," What?"
She said," Jake!"
Tones of pink magic from her hands suddenly exploded. The cell opened up. She smiled.
She said," Come on Buster."
They walked out of the cell together. Samantha looked at the people in the other cells. She knew they were good people that have been locked up from the law for years because they wouldn't do evil stuff either.
She said," Hang on Buster. First I have to free all my friends and people in here."
She cast her magic. The pink magic spread throughout the cells freeing everyone.
They all said," Thank you."
Samantha said," Your welcome. Ok Buster let's go rescue Jake."
They went go find him.
All the people that got out of the cells decided to go find all the people/their friends to get some answers to what was going on. Jake was still trapped in the cell. Samantha was hurrying to find Jake. The guards unlocked Jake's cell. They grabbed him.
They said," It's almost sunset. You know what that means."
Jake didn't say anything.
The guard said," Death. Come on boy."

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