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Back at Samantha's house.
Jake said," So Samantha do want to go do something since Buster is here sleeping?"
Samantha said," Sure. I can teach you how to use magic."
He said," Cool let's go. Oh here you might need this."
He gave her coat to her.
She said," Oh. Thank you Jake."
He said," Your welcome."
She took him out to the training grounds.
She said," Well this is it. This is were we learn how to do all sorts of things. For example like magic, flying, archery, and fighting of course."
He said," Sounds fun and dangerous. But don't worry I love dangerous."
She said," Cool. You sound like someone that likes to learn new things and isn't afraid to try them."
He said," You got that right."
She taught him a few spells. Every spell he did he kept braking something or the magic would go in the wrong direction.
She said," Jake don't worry you'll get it. It just takes practice."
He said," Yeah I know. I'll keep trying."
She said," Ok."
He tried three more times doing it. He still could not do it correctly.
A girl walked up to them. She was a vampire.
She said," Hey do you mind? I'm trying practice here. Stop sucking the blood out of me because every time you do it I have to refill."
Samantha defended Jake. She went up to the vampire.
She said," Hey give him a break it's his first day of training. He'll be a pro at this stuff in no time."
The vampire girl said," I hope your right Samantha."
She just walked away.
Samantha said," God I'm sorry about that."
Jake said," No it's ok. Thank you by the way."
She said," For what?"
He said," For believing in me and sticking up for me. Your a good friend."
She said," Oh don't mention it. Now let's see what else you got?"
He said," Ok."
A witch came up to Jake and Samantha.
She said," Hey Samantha."
Samantha said," Oh hi Marissa. How are you?"
Marissa said," Oh everything's going just dandy. Who is this new friend of yours?"
Samantha said," Oh this is my new friend Jake."
Marissa said," It's a pleasure to meet you Jake."
Jake said," It's nice to meet you too Marissa."
Marissa said," So is this Jake's first day of training Samantha?"
Samantha said," Is it that obvious?"
Marissa said," Well..."
Jake accidentally made the magic go towards Samantha and Marissa. Samantha and Marissa ducked right away.
Jake said," Oops sorry did I get you guys."
Samantha said," Almost. It's ok just keep practicing."
Jake said," Ok."
Marissa said," Um do you by any chance know what Jake is?"
Samantha said," Marissa you can't tell anybody this ok. But no one knows yet."
Marissa said," Oh don't worry Samantha dear we're like a family here. I will keep your secret safe with me."
Samantha said," Oh thank you Marissa."
Marissa said," Eh it's nothing. But have you noticed that it's taking him a long time to learn the spells? I mean when I first learned the spells it didn't take me this long I think."
Samantha said," Well maybe it takes more time."
Marissa looked at Samantha.
Samantha said," What."
Marissa said," Samantha dear the fact that it's taking him a while to learn. He could be you know who."
Samantha said," I know. I think that sometimes too."
Marissa said," The hero. Maybe just maybe."
Samantha said," Yeah."
Marissa said," Well I better get going my crows are waiting for me and I'm hungry. See you later Samantha."
Samantha said," Ok. Bye Marissa."
Marissa went to her house.

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