Samantha's House

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Samantha, Jake, and buster walked into Samantha's house.
Jake said," This is a nice little cottage."
Samantha said," Thanks. Come on in."
He said," Ok."
They sat at the table together. Buster layed on the ground. Samantha told Jake about the forest. She told him about of how only fairytale creatures can cross the border.
He said," That explains why my dog couldn't cross the border."
She said," Yes."
He said," So what fairytale creature am I?"
She said," I don't know you'll probably find out tomorrow."
She told him about the controller,the hero, and about what the law is doing to everyone.
He said," Oh my gosh. That is awful."
She said," I know and only the hero can save us."
He said," I wonder who the hero is?"
She said," Yeah I wonder too."
Jake said," So how long do you have left till you turn into your dark form?"
Samantha said," Um I don't know let me look..."
Samantha went up into the air close to the ceiling. Green smoke went around her. Buster started barking.
Jake said," Oh no. She's turning into her dark form."
Samantha transformed. She was in her witch outfit. It was all black and her hat was black too. She had a spider web on her face. Her nose looked totally different. She went back down to the ground. She laid on the ground. Jake walked over to her.
He said," Samantha? Samantha are you alright?"
Samantha jumped up and did her evil scar at him.
He said," Woah Samantha."
She said," What's new?"
He said," Uh nothing."
She said," Really that's interesting."
He said," Uh. What do you mean?
She said," Oh nothing. You ready to uh oh I don't know rule the world?"
He said," Um."
She said," You are? Great follow me."
She took him to her lair.
He said," Whoa. This is your witch craft lair."
She said," Well duh what else would it be."
She grabbed a book. She opened it up.
He said," Uh what are you doing?"
She said," Looking for a spell."
He walked over to her. He looked to see what spell she was looking for.
She said," Ahh this would be perfect."
He looked at it.
He said," That's an evil spell."
She said," Well of course. What did you expect a good spell that is not evil? Haha like that will ever happen. I'm full of evil! Ha ha ha ha!"
He said," Samantha please stop. This isn't you."
She said," Of course it's me."
She carried the book in her hand and walked to the table. She set the book down. He walked over to her. He grabbed her hand.
He said," Samantha."
She got frightened and turned around.
He said," Look I know your under your evil spell now. But..."
She walked to the potion area
She said," But nothing Jake come on help me with this spell?"
He said," Wait you want my help?"
She said," No not really. I just did that to get you to stop talking."
He rolled his eyes. She got ready to say the spell.
She said," Evil magic do your evil stuff make the world miserable..."
He ran over to her. They both fell to the ground.
He was on top of her.
She said," Ugh got off of me. See what you did you ruined my spell."
He said," No I didn't. This isn't you."
He kissed her before she could say anything else. He stood back up. She didn't move because she fell asleep. Buster came in the room and barked.
Jake said," Shh. She fell asleep."
Buster walked over to Jake.
Jake said," Oh Buster. Look at her. She's so pretty."
Buster looked at Jake.
Jake said," Alright I know what your thinking how could I like her when she looks like this. But I don't care it's still her. I better put her to bed."
He picked up Samantha. He put her in her bed.
He said," Come on Buster let's go in the other bed."
They went in the other bedroom across the hall. He went in the bed. Buster jumped on the bed.
Jake said," Goodnight buddy."
Buster barked. He fell asleep. Jake laughed and went to sleep.

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