True Love

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     Jake stayed with Samantha waiting for her to wake up.
Buster said," Please Samantha wake up."
He licked her cheek trying to wake her. He started crying. Jake looked at Samantha.
He said," How could no one have ever fallen for you. Oh Samantha."
He hugged her. He whispered in her ear.
He said," I love you Samantha."
Buster said," Kiss her!"
Jake smiled at him. He moved her head closer and kissed her. He pulled away for a sec.
Samantha opened her eyes. She looked at Buster, she smiled. Buster barked all happy. She turned her head the other way.
She said," Oh Jake."
He said," Samantha!"
She said," Jake...there's something I have to tell you."
He kissed her.
She was all in shocked. Jake pulled back.
She said," Wh...wha..."
He said," I think I already know."
She said," Oh Jake. I've been meaning to tell you. I love you."
Jake smiled. They kissed again.
Buster said," Woo hoo!!! It worked."
Jake picked Samantha up and spun her around. She giggled.
He said," Let's go."
She smiled.
Marissa run up behind there back.
She said," Not so fast."
They turned around.
Samantha said," Your still...Alive?"
Marissa said," Don't sound so surprised Samantha. Now tell me what was the secret to almost killing me, so I can do it to you."
Jake said," No I won't let you hurt us."
Samantha used her magic. Marissa fell backwards.
Samantha said," Love is not weak."
Marissa said," Your out of your mind, love is."
Jake and Samantha used there magic against her. Marissa used her's too. Marissa fell to ground. Samantha walked over to her. Marissa kept trying to catch her breath.
Samantha said," I'm right."
Marissa said," You... you won't...get away. With this."
Samantha saw her necklace glowing. She started grab it from her neck. Marissa grabbed her arm.
Marissa said," You wouldn't dear. Please Samantha don't do this. I can be good. Please."
Samantha said," I wish I could believe you, but I can't. You already tried to kill everyone and me and Jake three times already."
Marissa said," No no no don't."
Samantha pulled Marissa necklace off from neck.
Marissa said," Don't."
Samantha ran to Jake. They cast a spell on her necklace to ruin it. Marissa turned grey and died.
Jake said," Is she?"
Samantha said," Yes, for good now. The necklace was keeping her from dying."
He said," What did you mean by that?"
She said," What?"
He said," That thing you said earlier, about..."
She said," Oh love?"
He nodded.
She said," Everyone used to think love did nothing, apparently the law was wrong. It is more powerful than we thought. It is not weak. If it weren't for us being in love we would've never defeated Marissa."
He smiled.
She said," You ready Jake?"
He said," For what?"
She said," A happy ending?"
He smiled.
He said," With you?Anytime."
She said," Oh Jake."
They kissed again.
All the fairytale creatures gathered around them clapping.
Samantha and Jake smiled.

The Magical ForestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora