A Happy Ending

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Samantha said," Jake, can I open my eyes yet?"
Jake said," Not yet beautiful."
She giggled a little. They took a few more steps.
Jake whispered in her ear.
He said," Now you can."
He uncovered her eyes. She opened her eyes.
She saw a beautiful waterfall with tones of roses on the ground everywhere.
She said," Oh Jake it's beautiful."
He smiled. She got her wand out. She cast a spell. A picnic set appeared on the ground.
She said," Shall we?"
He said," Great because I'm starved."
She giggled. They stayed out there till night time.
Samantha said," This is so nice that the curse is broken."
Jake said," You mean that your face doesn't change at night anymore?"
She said," Nope. If I want too. I can just use my hands."
He said," Samantha!"
She said," Hmm."
He said," Watch this."
He put his hand out and cast a spell.
She said," Whoa! What was that?"
He said," A heart pink firework."
She said," It's beautiful."
He cast another spell to play romantic music. He got up off the ground.
He said," May I have this dance."
She said," I don't know how to dance."
He smiled.
He said," I can teach you."
She stood up while grabbing Jake's hand. They took a few steps then started dancing. He spun her around. Samantha was so happy.
Jake said," I'm in love with you Samantha."
Samantha smiled.
She said," I know you are. I'm in love with you too."
They kissed. Jake looked down.
He said," Whoa. We...we're."
Samantha looked back at him.
She said," Yup Flying. Just hold me tight Jake."
He said," Always."
He wrapped his arms around her waist.
They smiled at each other. As they flew across the moon with Samantha's broom, Jake and Samantha kissed.
Jake said," My witch."
Samantha said," My hero."
They kissed again.
The End.

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