The Magic Wand

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The next day came around. Jake, Samantha, and Buster were walking out of a building.
Jake said," I can't believe they didn't know what I was."
Samantha said,"I know."
Buster started barking. As Samantha tried to pet Buster, he took a few steps back.
Jake said," Aww are you still scared of her buddy."
Buster barked again. Samantha looked at Jake.
She said," I'm guessing he still is."
Jake said," It's ok he'll get use to you at some point."
Samantha smiled.
Jake said," So what now?"
She said," I don't know. Would you like to go to the wand store?"
He said," Uh I guess."
She said," Cool let's go then."
They all went to the wand store together. They walked in.
Samantha walked up to the Cashier.
She said," Hey their old friend."
Cashier person said," Hello there Sam long time no see."
She said," I know right anyway. I have a new friend here this is Jake. He needs a wand."
Cashier person said," Well that's exciting."
He grabbed his book from underneath his desk. He looked at Samantha.
He said," Um Sam do you know what our new friend here is?"
She said," Um no we went to the people that said they would usually know who someone is. They said they didn't know."
He said," Huh that's very odd."
She said," Yeah."
He said," Usually we don't give people a wand unless we know what they are. But since we don't know what you are Jake. I'm gonna give you this special wand. Now nobody's ever had this wand before Jake, make sure you take good care of it."
Jake said," I will sir. I promise."
Cashier person said," Ok here it is. Sam."
Samantha looked up at the cashier guy.
She said," Yes sir?"
He said," Make sure you teach Jake here how to use the wand."
She said," Oh of course. I was planning on it."
He said," Good. Sam come in my office for a minute."
She said," Oh sure."
She looked a Jake.
She said," I'll be right back Jake."
He nodded.
She said," Oh by the way be very careful with that wand because whatever you think of you want to do. It will do it."
He said," Ok."
She went in the room with the cashier guy.
Buster barked.
Jake said," Oh come on buddy there is no way this wand could be that powerful to do whatever I want. Can it?"
He thought about flowers. Flowers started falling from the roof. He looked up, he smiled when he saw the flowers. He looked at the wand.
He said," It really works."
Meanwhile in the office.
Samantha said," I know sir."
Cashier person said," Do realize that the fact that they don't know who he is. He could maybe be the one."
She said," I hope so we really need our hero now."
He said," You got that right."
They heard a loud boom coming from the other room.
Samantha said," What was that?"
Cashier person said," I don't know."
They ran into the other room.
Jake was on the ground. Samantha ran over to Jake.
She said," Jake are you alright."
He sighed. He opened his eyes.
He said," Uh Samantha is that you?"
She said," Yes. Are you alright?"
He said," Uh I think so. What happened?"
She said," I don't know. I wasn't in the room with you."
Buster said," I know what happened."
Jake and Samantha looked at Buster.
Buster said," What are you all staring at me for?"
Samantha said," You you you can talk."
Buster said," Well no duh. Anyways what happened is what you want to know right?"
Jake said," Buster can talk but how he's a dog?"
Buster growled.
He said," I hate when you call me that word. I have a name you know and it's not dog it's Buster."
Samantha said," Um my guess is that you cast a spell on Buster to make him talk."
Buster said," That's one of the things he's done. He also made all the papers go everywhere. Oh and he broke a chair too."
Samantha said," Come on Jake let's take you back to my place."
Buster said," Ok but can we please do no more magic stuff on the way. I don't want Jake here to get hurt again."
Samantha said," I don't think you have to worry about that Buster."
They went back to Samantha's house

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