Easiest Shift?

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After supper I had gone to bed absolutely exhausted from all the stressing I'd done earlier in the day. So Lily had to shake me awake the next morning. I shoved her off my bed and rolled over as the fell to the floor with a loud thump... I guess this bed's higher then the one I have at home, whatever, I'll apologize later, now I sleep some more. I guess Lily got over the initial shock of what I'd just done and he started to tell at me. "Bloody Hell that hurt, Dray! Why'd you shove me off your bed! Dammit! That really bloody hurt!"

I guess Potter had heard Lily that something hurt because he came bursting through the door looking worried, with the other boys in toe. "Lily Flower, what's wrong!?"

"Nothing and don't call me that, Potter!" Lily said angrily, great I've put her in a bad mood.

"Leave I'm trying to sleep here." I knew I was mumbling but at this point I didn't care. "Annoying early risers!" Oops, that came out clearer than intended.

"What do we do to get her up?" I heard black ask.

"It's quite simple actually. Watch and learn." I rolled my eyes, again they are still closed, like there's anything she could do or tell me to get my but our of this comfy bed. "Dray, you need to get up, you only have..." I could tell she was checking the time. "Shoot, I let you over sleep, you only have 25 minutes to get ready! Oops, 24 now." 25 MINUTES!!!! I NEED ABOUT AN HOUR TO GET READY! DAMN YOU LILY!!

I sprung out of bed, "Damn it, Lily, you haven't given me enough time!!!" You could practically hear how worried I was in my voice.

"Hot PJ's Evans number two." I blushed hard red as I looked down at what I'd worn to bed, I was in a low sports bra and booty shorts. I then decided to tease him.

I walked over to him and put one of my hands on his shoulder and the other on his chest. "You like what you see, Sirius?"

"Hell ya, Dray." I saw his smirk growing bigger and I could practically see his ego growing, time to pop it.

"Well then... better enjoy my body, Black, know cause this us the most of it, you'll ever see." With that I dropped my hands and walked into the washroom to get read with a proud smirk playing at my lips.

"Dang, Padfoot,you just got burned!" I heard James amused voice say.

"Yeah, I like her..." he spoke the first portion to those in he same room as home but yell the rest out to me. "Please go out with me!?"
I chuckled before I hollered back my answer. "Not till Hell freezes over." With that I turned on the shower not hearing how he responded.

After showering, brushing, drying, and flatting my hair, the last two I did with magic. I went back into my room to grab some clothes. I ended up just in my typical school uniform. I put on some makeup keeping it neutral, clear lip gloss, mascara and a white eyeshadow. I don't have to worry about blush because my cheeks naturally have a light blush. I smiled at my reflection before skipping down the stairs and into the great hall for breakfast. Just as I rounded the corner I bump into a wall. "Dang wall, where'd that come from." I heard a deep chuckle sound from the 'wall'.

"I'm not a wall, Sweetheart. Wait your a Gryffindor and even worse a Mudblood. I can't believe I touched a Mudblood. WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, SLUT!" I couldn't help but roll my eyes and wonder if this dude was bipolar. I looked up and got confused. This guy looked like Sirius but he was in Slytherin robes. I was slightly hurt by his words but got up and tried to walk around him. "Aren't you going to apologize, Slut?" By now everyone in the hall was watching us, you could've heard a pin drop. That when I notice some one walk up behind the boy who looks like Black but I couldn't see who it was. Out of nowhere a hand was placed on my shoulder and I tensed. "Leave her alone." I heard Severus say to the boy.

Flower (Marauders Era and Voldemort)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora