The Next Morning.

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I could hear people talking but I wasn't quite awake yet. "Do you think we should move them?"

"I would but that snake won't let us near D!"

"Besides I kind of think she would kill us if anyone saw her naked."

"Not likely she wouldn't even hurt a fly."

"I wasn't saying D would kill us, I'm saying the snake would." Who were these people , who was D and what snake. I chose to ignore these people and snuggle closer to my pillow, that's when I realized it wasn't a pillow, it was another person... and we were both naked. That's when the night came back to me, the Marauders, the shift, Remus, July and Bone.

I sat up with a sharp intake of breathe. the guys were all looking at me, besides Remus who was just starting to wake up. "Look away you idiots!" I was very alarmed that they had all seen me naked. I quickly grabbed the spare clothes I'd brought and left the room to get changed. I stared at the clothes I had in surprise, I clearly was thinking when I grabbed them. I had blue skinny jeans and a white tank top with a red lace bra and underwear. I shrugged and pull the clothes on. I then called into the other room, "Is Remus dressed?"

"Yes, I am." Remus called back to me. I walked into the room and all the guys were staring at me.

"We're sorry we... uh... looked at you."James said and the other nodded in agreement the Remus spoke up.

"I didn't mean to cuddle with you while we were, you know, umm, naked." Remus rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he spoke.

I giggled as I responded to them. "Whatever guys just please don't do it again and Remus it's not your fault, it was Bone and July, I should've stayed awake but I was tired and the wolves seemed to be getting along just fine." The guys were all looking at me incredulously so I decided to explain what I meant. "Okay, I guess I should explain. I can stay awake after I've shifted but I can't control me wolf. I can however speak to her, my wolfs name is July and Remus yours is Bone. I can talk and try to convince July to do or not to do stuff. Like last night I made her promise not attack anyone unless they attack her first. She agreed to listen to me but she doesn't always. I will often fall asleep while in wolf form but not until I know things are going smoothly." Remus was looking at me in awe while the other boys nodded in understanding.

"How?" Remus' voice sounded incredulous.

"Dumbledore said it was either because I'm not a proper werewolf or my power is stronger than others." I explained with a shrug. "Anyways, we should head back to the castle." Everyone nodded again and we went back to the castle and straight to the hospital wing. Turns out Bone had wanted to mate but July didn't so we both had a few cuts and so did the other guys because they had tried to break it up.

Once I was about to fall asleep a furious looking Lily banged through the Hospital Wing doors. "What the hell did you do to my sister Potter!" My other two sister just ran right over to my bed and Rose grabbed my hand and started to cry while Nat glared at the boys.

"Lily-flowers, we didn't do anything. Incase you failed to notice, we're all under Mme. Pomfrey's care," James said calmly to the fumming Lily. "Besides it's not my place to tell you what happened."

I couldn't help but face-palm he really doesn't know how to stop while he's ahead. I watched as a smirk grew on Lily's face and I knew she had a plan. Lily's smirk became a flirtatious one and my face paled, it isn't that I don't trust my sister I'm just worried they'll be afraid of me. "James, please tell me what happened to you. I'm worried about you.' Lily then walked over to James and began to stroke his hair and play with his hand and fingers. 'Please tell me James. Don't you trust me?" Lily started to cry which of course caused James to panic.

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