Regulus' Idea

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The next day I woke up in The Hospital Wing and I couldn't stop my thoughts from wandering to Remus. That's when I saw everyone sleeping in the chairs around me. My sisters and my three favorite Slytherin's, that's Severus, Regulus, and Lucius, incase you didn't know we're all asleep around me. Marauders were in other beds but still close by, Remus was the only other one awake. "Hey." He said softly. "How are you feeling."

"A lot better thank you Remus." My voice was much clearer than it had been last time I was awake. He smiled at me.

"Well that good. I think your all free to go. Please tell the other boys when they wake up, won't you?" Both Remus and I nodded in agreement to Mme. Pomfrey.

Over the next couple weeks I grew closer to the Marauders even Peter. The boys had given me a, what they call a "proper nickname", my nickname was Sky because that was the color of July's eyes. They originally wanted to call me Moonette but I fought hard against it so they settled for Sky. I had also grown closer to Regulus, Severus, and Lucius, we had both forgotten about the kiss. Nat made up with Rose and I, and I was back to being to outsider. Lily spent most of her time with Severus or Alice, a girl in our year who was dating Frank Longbottom. I had gained a lot of new confidence over the past two weeks and was really happy here at Hogwarts.

Time Skip Forward Two Weeks From the Shift.

The three guys (Regulus, Severus and Lucius) and myself had been hanging out for awhile. When Regulus spoke up saying he had an idea.

"I really want to make my brother mad and I know you would have fun with my idea, Shorty!" Shorty was Regulus nickname for me, my other choice was Puffy, no idea why but he gave me a choice and I chose Shorty.

"I'm listening Reggy, keep talking." I originally only called him Reg but it was funny annoying him. I also now call Lucius, Lucy and Severus, Sevvy. There's a recurring pattern incase you didn't notice.

"Well, it's clear my brother has a thing for you, and I'd love to take away something he's interested in." Reg must've seen my confused expression because he broke it down for me. "You and I should fake date just to annoying him." I started to laugh, I liked the idea but it could be awkward.

"I'm not having sex though." I stated, Reggy just grinned.

"Great, I'll ask you out in front of him tomorrow. Act like your really excited about me asking you out. Then once I walk away you start to gush over how dashingly handsome I am and how charming I am, to him. It'll drive him bonkers!" I just smiled at him and agreed to it.

"Anyways it's time for dinner now guys so let's head back to the school and I'm going to sit with my sisters again, sorry." The guys nodded in understanding and we all went into the great hall. I walked to the Gryffindor table and them to the Slytherin one. I sat down best to Lily and smiled at Rose, but I realized Nat wasn't here.

"Hey, Rose, where's Nat?" I chose to ask Rose because her and Nat are like each other halves, I'm the odd one out.

"I'm not sure. She'll show though." I just shrugged and began to eat, that when the Marauders came in. They walked right over to us girls and Peter and Black sat on either side of Rose, where as James sat beside Lily (of course) and Remus sat by me. I then began to blush remembering the Remus and I has kissed... twice... Not that long ago. Remus and I ate our dinners in silence so I was very happy once I was full and very hurriedly excuse myself started up the stairs.

Once I reached the Gryffindor common room. I did my homework and hurried up stairs to go to bed, maybe if I played it just right I could make both Sirius AND Remus jealous with Reg's plan.

I fell asleep easily and was gently shaken awake in the morning by to strong, large hands. My eyes fluttered open to see Remus' eyes staring at me. Just as he opened his mouth to speak Sirius did. "Wake up sleepy head. Time to rise and shine, Gorgeous. Wake up and smell the bacon or wait, is it smell the coffee. I think it's coffee oh well. I guess..."

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