The Shift

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It's the day of the shift! I did a time skip.

Snapdragon's POV.

I was nervous as to how this shift with Remus was going to go. I was so concerned to the point where I didn't pay attention in any of my classes and I think Remus noticed because he kept shooting apologetic looks in my direction. I was surprised when I noticed just how much Remus had been looking at me today considering since the day we kissed, twice, he won't look at me and he hardly speaks well I'm around. I guess he regretted the kisses now, I'm not going to lie it hurts especially considering that he was my first kiss. Yes, I'm sixteen and had never been kissed but I've only had 2 boyfriends and 5 first dates, 3 of the boys were jerks so I refused them a second date and the other two showed their true colors on the 3 or fourth date but trying to kiss me after I told them I wasn't ready. Anyways, since the kiss Sirius has asked me out every second day at least, 8 times to exact, I've rejected him all 8 times because I like Remus and I don't want to lead him on. That when the bell rang singling the end of class, and the school day. As I left class I went over to Lily, Rose and Nat had free period, as the two of us were walking out of the room talking, well more like she was giving me another run down of class, Potter and Black walked up to us slinging their arms across one of our shoulders, I rolled my eyes it was pretty much the same routine everytime, so Lily and I waited for James to talk.

"So, Lily-Flowers I wa-" Lily cut James off there.

"No. No I will not go out with you, Potter.' We watched as James' face fell. Then we waited for Sirius to talk.

"So, D, will you go on a date with me?" I just rolled me eyes at the nickname Black have me, all the Marauders, except Remus, called me it, even Peter.

"No, Sirius. I'm sorry but I like some one else." I had to stop from looking at Remus, I didn't want Sirius to know who I liked. With that the guys dropped their holds on Lily and myself and hung back while the two of us went back to our earlier conversation about class.

After dinner that night I walked to the entrance of the school like James had told me too. Once I got there I noticed that the guys weren't here yet. So I just sat on the steps and waited. I didn't wait for too long before the guys all came out of the school laughing. Remus was the first to approach me. "Hey, Evans, you want to come with us?" His voice was gentle and I could hear the sympathy I'm his voice, I had told him that I'd only shift 4 times before and that I was still new to this.

"I guess... but why are the other guys coming with us, won't we hurt them?" I wasn't concerned for my own safety right now, I'll explain in a moment why I ever was, I was worried about the other three boys.

"I'll explain once we're at the Shrinking Shack." Great, I hope the explanation won't take long considering I need to explain something as well and it's getting late.

"Okay, but I need to explain something too." I stated and we continued to walk in silence. Once we reached the Whomping Willow it swung at me but I jumped out the way while squeaking, I then hung onto Remus as him and the other guys laughed at me.

"Hey, D, you see that hole there?" I nodded to Sirius but I was confused as to why he was pointing it out. "Well, you need to go in there so I suggest you started, the guys and I'll watch you back and try to keep you from getting hurt." I was skeptical but I did as told. I started towards the whole and the tree swung at me again. I don't know why but suddenly it stopped moving and made a path for me to get too the hole while protecting me from anything else, including the boys. I walked right to the whole, but before I went in I put me hand on the on the trunk and whispered thank you. Just as I hopped into the hole I caught a glimpse of the guys shocked expression. Once I was inside the tunnel I moved out of the way and just in time I may add because only I couple seconds later Sirius fell through the hole and landed next to me. He was to busy just staring at me too hear Remus' warning and Remus landed in him, knocking both boys down. I moved out of the way so that they could stand up but the were both still looking at me in shock they didn't hear James yell, "BOMBS AWAY!" And of course he landed on both of them cause both guys underneath him, especially Sirius to make grunting noises. James joined the other two guys in looking at me with a shocked look when Peters annoying voice called, "I'm coming down!"

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