Chapter 9 - Exes and O's

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The Drake & Morgan restaurant on Pancras Square was full of grumpy staff and hungry diners.

The décor was lavish and modern, with single-bulb chandeliers cascading from the ceiling like raindrops, bringing a warm orange glow to the guests stuffing their mouths full below them.

Tom told Allegra about his childhood, laughing at fond memories and feeling a wave of relief escape him as he shared them with the beautiful young lady sitting opposite him.

She traced the top of her wine glass with her fingertip, smiling at certain points of his story but yet preoccupied for the whole evening.

"And so, I spent my childhood in Westminster," Tom smiled, completing his tale.

"I grew up in Carlisle," Allegra told him simply, not lifting her eyes from her glass.

"I've never been there myself, but I would love to go one day," Tom said, watching her with a smile. "Perhaps we could go together, and you could show me all of your favourite places."

"Yeah, sure," Allegra replied, making Tom frown as his smile was taken from his kind face.

"Is everything alright?" he asked eventually. "You seem to be distracted this evening."

"Everything's fine," Allegra responded quickly, still refusing to look up.

"Allie," Tom began as he leaned forwards, his upper abdomen pressing against the edge of the table. "I need you to be honest with me."

"Um... Ok, well, I..." Allegra bit her lip, arguing in her head whether or not she should tell Tom the truth. "When I got home last night, there was some post on the floor, and..." Allegra bit her lip again. This was her last chance to stop herself from telling him.

"Allie, what's happened?" Tom pleaded.


"Allie?" he was leaning so far over the table that the candlelight turned his eyes an angry shade of gold.

"It was a letter..." she swallowed. "From one of your fans..." Allegra's eyes still would not look at him. "They were threatening me."

"What?" Tom roared, causing a few people at tables around them to stare at him more than they already were.

"Yeah –"

"I would like to see it," Tom told her as he leaned back, regaining composure.

"No, it's ok. I'm just worried because they know where I live," Allegra said honestly.

"...Have you told the police?"

"There's no point," Allegra smiled without amusement.

Even though she could not see it, Tom was observing her. He looked at the way her finger continuously skated around the top of glass; how the flame from the candle danced in her tired eyes.

"Why isn't there?" he asked.

"It's an anonymous letter, Tom."

"They must be able to do something," he said, attempting to reassure himself as much as her.

"No –"

"I'll sort something out."

This made Allegra look at him. Her eyes shot up to his face in panic, making her feel like her stomach was being squeezed as she accidentally knocked her glass over. The red wine stained the yellow dining cloth instantly, the flame and the light from the bulb above them making the stain look like a discoloured brown. Like blood.

"What? No –"

"I am not having my fans treat you like this, Allie. If they are true fans at all, they'll know that I won't stand for this."

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