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"Dude! Chill! I was just joking!" Tania said as she backed away from me her seat in the lunchroom. 

A lot of chatter happened around me and my group of two friends, which consisted of me, Tania, and Nick. We were friends since middle school and ever since. I love these two goofballs as if they were family to me. As I thought about our friendship, a hot junior passed by us, with Nick's eyes glued to her ass.

"Damn. That ass." Nick quietly said beneath his breath, loud enough for me and Tania to hear, and for us two to burst into laughter. Nick's eyes went to us and stared at us confusingly. 

"Who the hell ya'll laughing at?"  I had wiped a tear from my eye as I told him why.

"You checked out like every girl in this school. And it's only October." Nick closed his eyes, crossed his arm, stood up, and stood in a very arrogant position. 

"Hell yeah! See, I was born what God intended me to do, which was probably to become a playboy. And bitch, I'm accomplishing my task." Once again, me and Tania bursted into laughter again. Before we could say anything else, the bell rung, as it indicated us Seniors to go to our classes. Me and Nick had the same first class so we walked off a different direction than Tania. 

Once the students arrived, the teacher took our attendances. But he started from the beginning, which let Nick to say something to me.

"You know, I heard this hot girl. And when I mean hot, I mean HOT as hell, is coming to out school." I however, didn't believe him. 

"You say that every girl who is transferred here is hot. Like Trisha. Or Feggy. Basically every girl." I respond.

"I know. But this girl is hooooot! Hell, even she could turn someone." I still looked at him in disbelief.

"Sure, sure. Believe all you want. Your dreams aren't gonna come true."

"I'm almost in college Alicia," and he knows I hate it when he uses my real," I'm practically more experienced than you."

"Nick, I am literally in the same grade and school as you. But with a higher education." I whispered replied back to him. 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say honey. I've dated more than you. All you managed was Roderick. And that didn't last. I mean hell, Britney Spears and Jason Alexander's marriage was longer than your relationship with Roderick." But my relationship was longer than 55 hours. it was 2 weeks before I ended it. I mean, in movies, people say thing like 'oh, when you kiss the person you like or love, you feel a spark,' or some crap like, 'oh, love at first sight,' but i know it's all fake. Why can't people admit that? 

"Alicia Woodstock?" The teacher finally called out. "Here!" I replied," and I would rather liked to be called Alice, if it's possible by you." The teacher nodded in agreement. "I'll try." And then the teacher went to a lesson I wouldn't care for in the future, but for my grades, probably.

"Smart ass." Nick muttered in my ear. I shoved him just a bit before refocusing my attention on the whiteboard. 

Once first period was over, all three of us decided to skip second period and hang out at Starbucks. I met outside our local starbucks seeing the faces of Tania and Nick.

"Let's get something. To cleanse my aura." Nick said as he opened the door for the both of us girls.

"You can't cleanse your aura with caffeine." Tania said to Nick in a state of matter way.

"Well, this," Nick said as he motioned his hands up and down his body," can." Me and Tania let out a little giggle.

We came up to the cashier, with the name tag of 'Chloe.'

"Hi, I'm Chloe. Welcome to Starbucks. How may I help you?" She asked in one of those automated nice voices. 

"Uh, all of us would like a mocha iced coffee. Make it in a total of three mocha iced coffees." Nick spoke in a fake lazy voice. Chloe just looked at us like we were crazy or something. When Chloe put the face on, Tania had a smile on her facing like she was going to laugh. 

"Ok, that'll be $11.26." Chloe responded. Nick gave $20 in return for some change back. As they walked out sipping their iced coffee's, Tania let out a small burst of laughter.

"Did you see the look on her face? It was hilarious!" Me and Nick nodded in agreement as the three of us walked back to Westside High School.


hope you enjoyed the first chapter. don't forget to leave a vote and comments on how you thought about this chapter.

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