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Detention, the hour of hell I never wanted to experience, was over. I said my goodbyes to Alice and stayed on school grounds for a few minutes before my departure to my vintage white mustang. I examined if anyone was in there, and to see that anyone wasn't, drove to Starbucks, ordered an iced coffee, and droved to a park. As I drove, I felt the wind from my open window blow through my bright, blonde hair. The feeling of cold, blowing air was relaxing.

I arrived at the park to see the sight of children and their parents. I parked my mustang and walked through the trail. I wore a low heel ankle boot, and thought about changing but didn't. The sun shone bright through the wood's trees as I walked. It seemed that I was alone, but didn't really mind. I wanted some peace away from social contact. It relaxed me to hear the chirps of baby birds and the sight of fluttering blue and orange butterflies.

I drank half of my iced coffee as I walked more deeper into the friendly forest. When I thought I finished 3/4 of the walking trail, only to realize that the trail leaded back to the children's playground. I sat down on one of the wood benches and sipped my coffee as I examined the calm waving lake. The slow and small tides moving on to the beach, and off into the lake, with the process repeating.

"Do I know you?" I heard a husky voice behind me. I turned around to see a Latino teen with some tattoo's on the side of his arms. I recognized him somewhere. Maybe from school.

"I think. You go to Westside High?" He nodded and had a seat open for him. He accepted the seat and sat next to me, with his arm on the bench. I check my watch to find the time to be around 7 o'clock.

"You're the new girl aren't you?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well then, welcome to Cali. Where did you come from before coming here?" The cute boy asked.

"Well, I came from Michigan. My parents got a better job offer here, even though I thought that their job back Michigan was better though. But whatever they choose, I'll support." I explained

"Oh. I'm sorry. Roderick Stephens. Nice to make your acquaintance." He greeted as he had his hand in a handshake position for me to shake. I shook his hand not to be rude.

"And I'm Emma. Emma Synnott." Roderick questioned my last name in a polite manner.

"And how do you pronounce your last name?" I replied, "Sin-not. Synnott."

"Oh. Nice. Thanks."

"Do you happen to know Alice Woodstock?" Roderick asked out of the blue. I nodded my head

" I mean I kind of do. I have English 101 with her. And just got out of detention with her. Why do you ask?"

"Well, we dated for about 2 weeks before she broke up with me. I don't know why. I don't think I did anything wrong. I guess I wasn't her type. I think she might be dating that guy Nick, since they're very close. But yeah. Let me tell you this, she is not the type who opens up quickly. She's one of those girls who keeps a brick wall around her except when she's around her friends. If you are new to her, she activates this shield and you gotta find a way to pry. Even if you do, you'll probably pry a crumb of a brick. Trust me. It was hard to get through her." Roderick explained.

"Yeah. She's probably one of those types. I can tell." I took the last of iced coffee before getting up and throwing away the plastic cup with leftover ice.

"Anyway, you got transportation?" I asked Roderick. He shook this head in a kind of shame.

"Don't be shameful. I can drive you where you need to go if you want." I offered. He nodded and followed me to my car.

"That's your car?" Roderick asked in shock. I nodded.

"Yeah. My parents are rich as fuck. That's all I can say." I didn't know why I was being so nice to Roderick. Usually, I'd be a total bitch to boys like him, and I enjoyed being the bitch. He got in.

"So," I asked while rubbing the steering wheel in nervousness, "Where are you going?"

He starred out of the passenger window, not replying. "I don't know." He finally replied after 3 minutes of silence.

"Ok, I'll take you to my house." He didn't reply and started to be all weird when the sky started to turn dark.

As I drove, Roderick got more twitchy.

"Uh, Roderick? Are you ok? You're moving a lot." I told him in concern. He then yelled in pain.

"Dude, you're scaring me!" I yelled while keeping my eye on the road and trying to control the steering wheel.

"This happens on certain days. Don't worry." Roderick grunted in pain. He growled as I tried to touch his arm.

"What is it Roderick?"

"Its... Nothing!" He yelled out with his head and eyes staring at the ceiling of the mustang.

"Roderick?" I asked softly. All I could hear, heavy breaths of anger. I once repeated his name again.

"Roderick? Are you ok? Are you with me?" I asked multiple questions at once. "Roderick?!"

I checked my watch, which was around 8 o'clock, already dark. More grunts of pain came from Roderick's breath. When I reached one of the streetlights near the freeway, I noticed something on his head.

And on his head, was fuzzy looking ears.

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