that's her?

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We three started to sit down and chat like usual. Of course, face the chatter of Nick and the new girl. I needed to use the bathroom so I excused myself. As I walked to the bathroom, I thought of why so much people talked about the new girl coming to Westside. It's maybe because we usually don't get that much newcomers, so this must be a big event for us seniors.

Once I entered the stall of the ladies room, I heard a few shouts outside of the door. That probably meant that the new girl arrived. As the water of the faucet ran through my hand and erasing the evidence of soap ever being on my hand, I then heard loud chatter outside in the halls. I came out to see Tania and Nick standing out and smiling immensely.

"What?" I asked in confusion. 

"The new girl is HOT!" Nick responded. I looked at Tania like he was crazy. She shrugged and nodded.

"She is. Let me tell you, she's not like other girls Nick has fantasized. Trust me when I say that. Maybe we could become friends with her. But I don't know. She's got a popularity vibe. Right Nick?" Nick nodded in agreement. 

"She'd be like so amazing to be in our group." I look at the both of them.

"And you guys would still be my friends?" I ask in sadness as they kept talking about a girl I didn't even know about.

Nick's eyes widen and wrapped his arms around me. "Of course Alice! We'd never betray you! You're like the sister I've never had!" Tania looked at me in sympathy and also hugged me. 

"Of course I'd still be your friend. No matter what." The bell rung, interrupting our meaningful hug. 

We all finished first period, going on to second, third, until we reached our break time, also know as lunch.

"Ugh. Classes are so boring. I mean, what do we need to know about biology and shit? For all I know, I won't be needed that shit for life." Tania complained. Me and Nick nodded our heads in understance. 

"Plus, 90% of the teachers here act like bullshit here. Like, we didn't do anything to you. We're just being teenagers. Especially those oldies. 'We didn't have technology in the old day,' and, 'we were more obedient in those days Nick.'" And he burst into laughter from his own complaint.

"But continuing on the hot girl, I don't even know her name! But I think that her name starts with an E, and from what I've heard, that girl go attitude!" Me and Tania laughed at how sassy Nick talked about the new girl.

"I think I'll try to make contact with her today to see how she is." Tania requested to the two of us.

"Yeah. So I can get to know her and ya know..." Nick said to us as we stared at him and rolled our eyes at the obvious.

"Ok, bye Nick, see you after school!"I said as me and Tania walked to fifth period. I saw a new notebook in Tania's arms.

"You got a new notebook?" I asked her. It was a very stylish one. She probably made it herself.

"Yeah. Made it myself." Knew it.

"What's in there?" She didn't answer my question. I filled her silence up.

"Oh, probably about Xavier." I started to see a light red blush creep up her cheek.

"It is!" Tania defeated her silence with a yes escaping her mouth.

We arrived to class and I still started to chat about her crush on Xavier. "Is it about how cute he is?" Tania let a small nod out. "And how you can't reach to him?" She nodded once again.

"You know he has a girlfriend, right?" Tania inclined her head once again. 

"She's probably a bitch anyway." I replied to her nod, making her smile a bit. 

"See, I'm the ray of sunshine no one knows about." And I smiled myself. 

"Class!" All of us started to turn our heads to the projection board. I didn't pay attention however. I thought about the new girl. And how Nick has been describing her in full detail for at least 20 minutes, but I still couldn't imagine how she'd look. The bell rung, and Tania went her separate way to class as I did too.

I entered English 101 with a bored look as I saw the other students enter either by themselves or with a friend to talk to. I faced my face on the desk with pencil doodles and rested my head until the bell rung, indicating that class has started.

"Class! I would like to introduce a new student." I faced my head up immediately to see a blonde angel in front of the class. That's her? I thought to myself

"This is Emma Synnott. I would like you guys and gals to be nice to her since she is new." Emma, what a beautiful name.

"Oh, it's fine," she spoke, "I've experience many schools before. Bitch." Man, does she have attitude like Nick spoke. The boys started oooing as Emma did call the teach a bitch.

"Miss Synnott, I do not appreciate this attitude in my class!" Emma rolled her eyes as she chewed on her gum, not caring what the teacher told her.

"Just choose a sit for me. And hurry, I'm not some slave." 

The teacher pointed to the empty seat next to me. "You may sit next to Miss Woodstock."

Oh boy.

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