i'm not scared

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"Holy shit! What the hell is that!?" I yell at Roderick in pure fear. He looked at me with confusion before touching his head, feeling the two pointy and fuzzy ears.

"Oh fuck." He cursed. I still stared at him with more of fear than confusion. 


"I'm turning." Roderick calmly replied as if it was totally normal.

"That," I said as I motioned to his two triangular ears with my index finger, "is not fucking normal!" I gripped on the leather steering wheel harder. "What are you turning into?!" I once asked in fear, while having my eyes on the dark road ahead with the only light source to be the yellow headlights.

"Fuck! Why did God make me like this?!" Roderick shouted in pain again. "You're supposed to be a good guy! I didn't do anything to you at birth!" I stared at him like he was crazy. 

"Ok, what the hell are you?" I asked more calmly, still freaked inside though.

"I'm turning into a werewolf." Roderick simply spoke. I stared at him like he was psychotic. 

"Fuck you. You're lying. They aren't real. They only turn on a full moon." I argued.

"Ok, then why do I have these ears, paws, claws and some grey fur? Along, with this fucking nose?" He lashed. I saw all the features he explained on one of the streetlights. My eyes felt like they popped out of my face. I also saw pointed teeth coming from the bottom and top row.

At first, I was scared of Roderick's appearance, but as I kept driving back to my house, weirdly, I got used to his look. Driving through the freeway, with barely any cars to appear, the light of the car capture a handful of figure of cars. No one looked into the white mustang, which was a good thing.

When we both arrived to my house, Roderick still had his werewolf look.

"I have a question. Why are you having werewolf features, but you are still a human?" He looked at me, then explained.

"Back then, my mom, a normal female human being, met a very handsome dude at a bar. They got very drunk and ended up having drunken sex with him. When my mom woke up to see this random guy next to her, she decided to leave him alone in the room-" I interrupted him.

"And was your biological father was a werewolf?"

He nodded. "And that's why I look like a monster at night. Alice didn't know anything about this for your information." I was shocked at first since they dated for 2 weeks, without Alice knowing about this, but again, Roderick could hide secrets for sure.

"My mom told me this story around when I was five. Let me tell you, I have a very keen memory. However," Roderick continued his story, "when I was around six, my biological father also had a keen memory, remembering the one night stand for some reason seven years later. It's weird, but anyway, he came to our house one night, knocked down the door, and took my mother. That was the last time I ever saw her." He had a mournful frown on his face.

"And I'm that type of organism who's a hybrid. I a mix of two organisms. In this case, a human and werewolf. Usually, my human side has the soul of things, so I control my werewolf side. But sometimes on a night, my inner werewolf takes over me and become a beast," still having the frown on his face.

I look at him with compassion. "I mean, today, you are being the nice you today."

"I know, but on a night, I'll become that savage and rip apart innocent humans." I hugged Roderick in comfort.

"It's fine. Enjoy you're days of innocence while it lasts."

I looked at my watch and saw that the time was 11:45 p.m.

"What are we going to do? I can't just walk into your house looking like this." Roderick pointed out to me as I was about to get out of the mustang. He did have a point. 'Hey mom, got a hybrid in my house.' I looked at Roderick, and realized that he wore a hoddie.

"Derek, can I call you Derek?" I asked. He nodded his head in a kind of hesitation. "Just turn your hoodie around, having the hood of the hoodie covering your face. With the situation with the paws, just tuck them in your sleeves."

"But wouldn't that be weird, walking into the house with a covered face? What a formal introduction with your parents." Derek said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'll just explain to them that you have a sense of humor." I said to him. I forced him out of the passenger's seat, and leaded him to the doorway. I got my keys, unlocked the door, and entered in the most silence I've ever have. Tip-toeing in the dark with Derek, my mom flicked the light switch, and shocked to see me and a random boy she's never met in this house late at night.

"What the hell is going on?" My mom yelled in anger and horror.

"I went to the park after school and met a very funny, nice and handsome boy." I partially lied.

"Then why does this allegedly nice boy have a hood covering his face." My mom replied to my fib.

"He has a nice sense of humor. Come on Roderick." I stared at my mom immensely, "Let's go to my room." I lightly pushed him on the back to give him a sense of direction with the guidance of my hands and arms. As we reached the stairs, I made sure he was taking every step with caution, so he wouldn't trip. When me and Derek reached at the top of the white carpeted stairs, with Derek's hood on his face, I directed him to my room, where I took his hood off, letting his nose exchange oxygen to carbon dioxide.

"Jesus. I think I was suffocating or some shit." Derek said in a calming voice. I noticed that his hybrid features were slowly fading away, changing back to his human self. I looked at my golden watch as it read 11:59 a.m. 1 minute before everything to fade away. All he needed away was his two pointy ears. Ring... Ring... Ring... the grandfather clock rung. I looked at the ringing clock, and back to Derek, to see his ears have fully disappeared.

"Well, are you afraid?" He asked with a slight uncertainty. I looked into his acorn colored eyes deeply.

"I'm not afraid." And lightly touched his lips with mine.

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