Chapter 1

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P.O.V Saya

Fall of Wall Rose

Akane and I were sitting in the dining hall discussing our training schedules when a man came running in. He was dressed in the Garrison's uniform.
"Wall Rose has been breached." He shouted to us. We looked at each other and shrugged, we've been expecting this to happen for a while now so it's not that surprising. As we began our conversation again, Commander Erwin Smith briskly walked in.
"Girls. I'm going to need you to go to Trost and help fight the Titan's. Also, whatever you do, don't mention who your parents are." He explained this sternly to us. We both nodded in unison and proceeded to get off the benches.
"Right, Saya, I guess we better get changed." Akane told me as she turned and walked off towards the door. I soon followed after her and as I reached the door Erwin placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Remember your training and keep an eye out for a boy called Eren Jaeger." I nodded, taking the picture of said boy and continued to follow Akane. As we walked to our room, I showed Akane the picture of the boy named Eren Jaeger. He had brown hair and blue eyes that looked like he had seen some of the worst experiences that the Titans could bring.
"So we're supposed to keep an eye out for this boy right? What's so special about Jaeger?" She questioned, an annoyed tone in her voice as she looked at me with her black eyes which matched mine. Akane and I were twins, but we certainly weren't identical twins, though we had the same eyes and our personalities were alike.
"I'm not too sure but Erwin told me that we have to keep an eye on him, so I guess there's a valid reason for him to ask this of us." I shrugged, my voice annoyed yet bored. Akane sighed in annoyance but nodded in acknowledgement of our task. Orders were orders, anything else we didn't care.

Arriving in Trost, we looked around and saw that there were more Titans breaking into the area than we thought there would be. People were running away in herds, like cattle running from the hungry wolves. My sister and I had often discussed how as humans all we seemed to act like was cattle, relying on any other stronger creature to save us from being hunted and eaten. Standing on top of a house that was still standing equipped with our Maneuver Gear, we watched un-phased as the panicked citizens ran away from the large hole in the wall which had ugly Titans making their way into Trost, their large eyes looking around for some easy pickings. Hearing a scream in the distance, we ran across the rooftops to help the damsel in distress, cutting down any Titan that got in our way.

When we arrived at the place where the scream had come from, we both raised an eyebrow in disbelief and annoyance when we realised it wasn't a weak female that had screamed out, it was instead a boy our age who was reaching out towards the Titans mouth where Jaeger was sliding down the back of the Titans throat. The Titan snapped his mouth shut, Jaeger's arm flying out as it was severed from the rest of his body. The blonde boy let out a deafening yell of anguish causing Akane and I to wince as it resonated through our ears, before we dived down onto the rooftop. Akane grabbed hold of the boy who's blue eyes were just gazing out into the distance, clouded over with pain, fear and helplessness. As we moved away from the Titan, I looked back over my shoulder and sighed. Well there goes the guy that we were supposed to keep an eye on....

We were a safe distance away from the Titans before we stopped on another rooftop. Akane placed the boy down onto the rooftop in a sitting position and we looked at him contemplating what to do for a few minutes before Akane sighed and knelt down next to him.
"I'm sorry for your loss, but can you tell us what your name is?" She asked, her voice softening from it's usual hardened tone. His clouded eyes still stared out into the distance as the trauma of seeing his friend being eaten was still very much fresh in his mind. For us it was usual and we were trained not to be phased by anything that normal people were.
"Armin........ Armin.... Arlert...." He breathed, his voice shaking with nerves. Poor kid.

After a few minutes Akane and I decided that there was nothing else we could to do to help Armin as he was no longer responding to us. We then proceeded to make our way back to the palace. As we were travelling, there was a loud thud, we looked around to see a Titan making it's way to a group of screaming people who were hurriedly trying to push a cart through the gate. We were going to intervene but we saw a group of the 'elite' making their way towards the Titan, however they weren't fast enough. Just as we thought that they had no chance, a cadet came from behind them and quickly caught up with it, killing it in one strike. We soon stopped on a rooftop over looking the scene that unfolded in front of us. The girl was standing on the deceased Titan's head as it fell.
"What are you doing?" She questioned the fat man gawking at her. The man then proceeded to explain to her how he needed her to help him get the people to move the cart. I looked at Akane and she looked back at me, we both scoffed at his idiocy and selfishness. Whilst we were un-phased the girl looked shocked and disbelieving at the way this man was acting. Her face then returned back to it's original form. "My comrades are dying as we speak. The noncombatants haven't evacuated yet, so they're fighting the Titans and dying." In return the man looked shocked and began to try and defend himself but in this process he ended up offending the people risking their lives. Instantly her face grew dark, she leapt off the Titan and walked towards the man. Two other men who were protecting him ran towards her, but she instantly knocked them down. She then raised her sword and pointed it to his throat, at this moment he instantly gave up and ordered for the cart to be moved. This allowed for the group of people to finally escape. We looked at each other and nodded, we both understood how much potential she had to become like us. Once we decided things had cleared up, we made our way back to the palace to report on our failed mission.

This is our first ever attempt at a fanfiction over our favourite anime (one of them anyway) and we hope you liked it :D Let us know what you think, and yes we do not own anything in Shingeki no Kyojin, the copyrights belong to the producers of the anime and the writers of the manga, but we do own our OC's :) Let us know what you thought of it so far and we hope you enjoyed it ~ Emii and Dani x

Levi's Daughters (Attack On Titan Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora