Chapter 5

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Akane's P.O.V

After getting washed and changing into our new Survey Corps outfit, we had made our way to where Erwin and Levi were waiting for us just outside the court room. When they saw us, Erwin let out an irritated sigh at how we'd arrived just before Eren was supposed to be taken in, and Levi narrowed his eyes annoyed at us for having turned up in general. Guess the shorty didn't like us. Then again when it came to shortness we couldn't really talk as we were only 5"4. I had the curves and Saya did not unluckily for her. I found it highly amusing to tease her about it though as she would always give me the best reactions.
"Glad you finally decided to show yourselves." Erwin grumbled. "It's time for Eren's trial, whatever you do don't cause a scene and don't allow Mikasa to intervene in the slightest. Got it?"
"Yes, sir." We both replied amused. With that we went into the room and Saya and I stood near Mikasa and Armin who were right at the front so they could see Eren clearer. Well this should be interesting....

A few minutes later Eren walked in looking worried and shocked as he looked around the room at everyone standing there. A man walking behind him shoved his gun into Eren's back and pushed him forward.
"Step forward." He hissed. "Kneel there." The same man ordered. Eren did as he was told not at all looking pleased about it, and the other man shoved a pole in behind Eren's back so the cuffs were in between the slit in the middle meaning he couldn't move away from it like it was created to prevent people doing. Whispers could be heard from the towns people and other cadets in the room and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Pathetic, all they could do was gossip about somebody who had helped us while they had done absolutely nothing themselves. Eren's eyes snapped towards where Mikasa and Armin stood and they widened in shock at seeing them.
"Let's begin." The old man said. He looked like a short bearded version of Santa in my eyes. "Eren Jaeger, yes? You are a soldier, sworn to sacrifice your life for the public good. Is that correct?"
"Yes, sir." Eren replied breathlessly and confused.
"This is an exceptional situation. This tribunal will be held under military, not civilian, law. The final decision rests entirely in my hands. Your fate will be decided here. Do you have any objections?"
"No, sir." Eren looked down at the ground in front of him in defeat. Good boy....
"I appreciate your perception. I will be direct. As anticipated, concealing your existence has proved impossible. We must make your existence public in some form, or a threat other than Titans may arise. What I will decide today is which force will have custody of you. The Military Police? Or the Survey Corps? Then, I will ask the Military Police for their proposal." He instructed. The Military Police? Pft. More like a bunch of lazy good for nothings who do nothing but sit on their asses half the time.....
"Yes, sir! I, Commander of the Military Police, Nile Dawk will present my proposal." An annoying voice spoke up. "After a thorough investigation of Eren's body, we believe he should be eliminated immediately." Wow.... Harsh much? A smirk made it's way onto Saya's and my lips as we listened to this worthless proposal. We both knew that Levi and Erwin had something up their sleeve to make this work out for the Survey Corps but let them try. "It's certainly true that his Titan power overcame our previous peril. However, now his existence threatens to spark a civil war. So we ask him to die for humanity's sake, leaving behind all the information he can." He said loudly, his eyes cast solely upon the boy in question. For humanity's sake? What a loud of crap!
"There is no need for that!" Another loud voice spoke up angrily. Turning I saw Pastor Nick standing there, his eyes ablaze with anger. "He is an invasive pest." At the beginning of his rant I tuned him out and just watched everyone's reactions instead. They all looked either bored, shocked, or indecisive about how to feel. Well, I guess I couldn't blame them. Nothing like this had ever happened before so nobody knew how to take it. When I heard Erwin's voice begin to speak, I decided to tune back in to see what he had to say for the Survey Corps.
"I, 13th Commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith will present my proposal." He began. "We would welcome Eren as an official member of our forces, and use his power to retake Wall Maria. That is all." Gasps of disbelief and more blimmin' whispers were heard throughout the halls and everyone's shocked faces were almost laughable but Saya and I kept our usual emotionless faces though smirks were evident on our lips.
"Hmm? That's all?" Old man questioned intrigued.
"Yes, sir. With his power, we can retake Wall Maria. We believe it is clear what our priorities should be."
"I see. And where do you plan to begin this mission? Pixis, the Trost wall has been completely sealed correct?"
"Yes, it can never be opened again." Dot Pixis informed the old man. With that Erwin spoke up again beginning to explain his plan on how to take back Wall Maria, as I listened all the information sunk into my head the same as I knew it had for Saya as well. His plan sounded almost crazy but there was a sliver of hope in my mind that believed we could achieve this.
"Wait a minute!" An outraged and disbelieving voice called out from the stands. "Shouldn't we seal all the wall gates once and for all? The Colossal Titan can only destroy the gates. If we strengthen them, we needn't endure further attacks!"
"Shut up, merchant dog!" A voice called out angrily. I inwardly chuckled at the insult to the man and his eyes widened when he heard what had been said. "With that Titan's power, we can return to Wall Maria!"
"We can no longer indulge your illusions of grandeur!"
"You talk a lot, pig." Levi's voice spoke up bored and emotionless as usual. Everyone looked at him shocked except for a few who were used to him talking in this manner. "Where is your proof that the Titans will wait while we seal the gates? The 'we' you speak of are only those you wish to protect, your friends who help line your pockets. The people who starve because there isn't enough land to sow don't even figure into the thoughts of you pigs." The fat man tried to defend himself but was interrupted by Pastor Nick who began speaking again like the idiot he is. As he spoke I grew bored again and decided to listen to what Armin was saying instead.
"Thanks to them, it took ages before we could even mount weaponry of the walls."
"They have a lot of support and power, which makes them difficult." Brzenska informed him. The man in charge, I'll just call him Santa, began tapping the table thing in front of him to get everyone's attention and he managed to shut everyone up with just the word.
"Silence. You may discuss your personal philosophies and opinions elsewhere. Jaeger, I wish to confirm something. Can you continue to serve as a soldier, using your Titan powers to benefit humanity?"
"Yes, I can!" Eren replied though to me he didn't sound quite so convinced himself.
"Oh? But the report on Trost's defense says this..... 'Immediately after turning into a Titan, he swung his fist at Mikasa Ackerman.'" Eren turned his head towards Mikasa in shock. Obviously he didn't remember any of that. Mikasa tried covering her cut with her hair as he looked at her and Armin looked on in shock and realisation as he came to conclusion that Eren didn't remember being unable to control his Titan. "Is Mikasa Ackerman present?"
"Yes, that's me." Mikasa replied, her eyes still narrowed in Brzenska's direction as she looked away, before turning to look at Santa.
"You are Ackerman? Is it true, that as a Titan, Jaeger attacked you?" Mikasa looked reluctant to say anything but she soon gave up as Brzenska convinced her that lying wouldn't help him.
"Yes, that is true." Gasps of outrage were heard and people began muttering..... yet again! Eren stared at Mikasa horrified at the fact that he tried to kill her whereas I found it highly amusing. A boy trying to kill the girl who was so hung up on him that even whilst a Titan she was not repulsed. Not the best way to start things off.... "But, on two previous occasions, Eren saved my life in his Titan form." She tried to defend him. Oh? And when exactly was this? Just as I thought that she began explaining how Eren had saved her life once, before a Titan managed to grab her and the second time when Kitts Woerman was aiming a cannon at them.
"I would like to object." Dawk spoke up again. "I believe these comments are greatly coloured by her personal feelings. At an early age, Mikasa Ackerman lost her parents and was taken in by the Jaeger household. Our investigation has also revealed a surprising fact about the underlying events. At age nine, Eren Jaeger and Mikasa Ackerman killed three robbers who tried to kidnap her. Even if it was self defense, I must question their fundamental humanity. Is it right to entrust humanity's fate, resources and lives to him?" As this argument went on I grew bored and so I began to concentrate on the facial features of the Titan boy in question. His face had a half horrified and half outraged expression there which turned to pure anger when somebody spoke about dissecting Mikasa.
"Wait! I may be a monster but she has nothing to do with this! Nothing at all! It's true! No!" His cuffs slammed against the pole as his anger began to take over his body and Saya's and my eyes lit up with excitement at what would unfold due to his anger. "I mean...... You're wrong. But you're simply coming up with theories that fit whatever it suits you to think. Besides all of you. You've never even seen a Titan. What are you so afraid of? What is the point of those with the means and power do not fight? If you're afraid to fight for survival, then help me! You.... cowards! Just shut up! And bet everything you have on me!" He practically screamed out to everyone in the court. The room was filled with silence and I felt my respect for him grow after hearing his speech.
"Weapons ready!" Dawk ordered. What the hell was that idiot doing?
"Yes, sir!" One of his soldiers replied quickly, too afraid to say anything else as he aimed his gun. Before he could do anything, Levi hopped into the court and kicked Eren across the face, a tooth coming loose and flying across the floor. He continued to beat Eren into silence as the court around him watched on in shock and horror. Mikasa looked so angry that I almost laughed. She began to step forward but Armin grabbed hold of her.
"Wait, Mikasa!" Mikasa looked on in horror as the boy she so dearly cared for was beat in front of her eyes.
"This is a personal opinion." Levi spoke up once done with beating Eren. "But I believe pain to be the best way to train someone. What you need is to be trained like a dog, not a man. It's easier to kick you while you're kneeling too." He kicked him again a few times for good measure and as everyone was shocked, Saya and I chuckled darkly in amusement. We understood the reasoning behind this. If everyone saw Levi showing dominance and control over the Titan boy then there'd be less complaints of the Survey Corps taking him in.
"Wait, Levi...." Dawk tried speaking up to stop his offense.
"What is it?" Levi questioned, taking his boot off of Eren's face.
"That's dangerous. What if he gets angry and turns into a Titan?"
"What are you saying?" Levi asked after kicking Eren again. He grabbed Eren by the head and looked towards Dawk. "Aren't you going to dissect him? When he turned into a Titan last time, he killed twenty other Titans before collapsing. If he is an enemy, his intelligence makes him a more formidable foe. Still no match for me, of course. But what will you do? Anyone persecuting him should also consider that fact. Do you really think you can kill him?" He taunted.
"Sir, I have a proposal." Erwin spoke up. "The details of Eren's Titan power remains uncertain. Making it dangerous. Thus, I propose to have Squad Leader Levi, take responsibility for Eren's control, and embark on an expedition outside the walls. Based on the expedition results, I'd like you to judge whether Eren can control his Titan power and whether he is a boon or bane to humanity."
"Control Eren Jaeger, can you do it Levi?"
"I'm certain I can kill him. The only problem is I doubt I can do any less."
"Then my decision is made." With that it was proclaimed that the Survey Corps would gain custody of Eren. Everyone left the court looking relieved to not be in the room anymore and Eren was taken out of the room along with Levi and Erwin. Mikasa and Armin watched Eren leave worriedly and Akane and I followed Erwin out of the room. Time to go back and get some rest I think, seems like we're going to have a lot thrown at us in the future when we go with the Survey Corps. I wonder how our parents would take the news?......

Here's another chapter of the fanfic. I hope you lot are actually enjoyin this aha cause it's a lot of hard work I'll tell ya that :P but it's fun to write and I'm not complaining about watching Shingeki no Kyojin again :') ~ Emii xx

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