Chapter 14

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Saya's P.O.V

I was standing outside Erwin's office waiting for Akane to show up. I looked down at my hands for a brief second.
"Boo!" I heard a voice yell at me, unaffected and un-amused I looked up. "Oh damn. I thought I had got you for sure." Akane sulked, but a hint of amusement laced her voice.
"We gonna go in or what?" I shrugged and walked in with Akane following me in, for once. Usually it ends up with her going first.
"Hello girls." Erwin addressed us, his expression not too happy. We looked at him suspiciously and leant against a wall next to the office. "I've informed Levi of who you are to him. I must admit he..... didn't take it too well, especially as Petra is dead now. He seemed sure that you weren't his though I must admit, he did look secretly excited. So who knows how he'll react. Either way, it'd be best to stay out of his way for a while." Erwin informed us, his face looking grave and worried. My jaw dropped and my eyes went wide in shock. He did what now? Apparently Akane was thinking the same thing.
"You did what?" She exclaimed. "You know that he hates us! Why in the hell did you do something like that?"
"Akane,  silence. I told him because it was time for him to know, and also it was time for you two to start accepting him as your father. It'll help us greatly, and well........ You've never had parents, and now with what happened with Petra..... I think you two really need a father to get through this." He admitted looking slightly embarrassed and worried. Akane calmed down after Erwin's confession and even I let out a giggle.
"I think she accepts your reasoning." I smiled. I understood where he was coming from but I had to admit that I wasn't sure if we were ready for this....

After talking with Erwin for a while, we soon got back to cleaning our gear and completely avoiding Levi. No matter how he reacts, he still hated us. Either way it didn't look too good to us. Akane was watching out for Levi in case he turned up and I was concentrating on cleaning my Maneuver Gear.
"Akane? You might as well forget about Levi. He won't bother us for a while." I chuckled, looking up at her. She turned to face me looking uncertain but took my words into consideration as she sat down next to me and began working on her own Maneuver Gear.
"So what exactly were you trying to achieve by making Mikasa jealous earlier?" She smirked. I froze and looked at her in shock. She saw that? She nodded to my unspoken question and I groaned. "Nice display there by the way. I'm sure it's made Mikasa hate you even more. So, why Eren?" She asked me chuckling.
"I ...... I don't know what you mean...." I stammered, a blush staining my cheeks.
"Course you don't, it's not like you like him or anything. I was silly to think that." She sighed dramatically, giving me a look that easily told me she didn't believe a word I said.
"Eren, when I first met him. He irritated me but then he turned into a Titan and though people were treating him badly, he still did all he could for humanity. It.... It inspired me to try a bit, and it um, well, impressed me. Then as we spent time with him, it showed that he was a cool guy and well I may have um.... got attached." I admitted not meeting her eyes. She laid her hand on my head and ruffled my hair affectionately. "Can you not mess my hair up?" I pouted. She laughed and tilted my face up by placing her fingers under my chin.
"Well either way sweetie, it shows you're not alone anymore. You can let him in ya know? In my opinion he's actually a cool guy, though he can be a bit ignorant." She smiled softly, her eyes sparkling happily. This was the happiest I'd seen her in a while.... and it was over me. Knowing that made me feel happy as well.
"What do you mean? I've always had you." I questioned her.
"It's not the same Saya. You and I...... we're family so of course we're there for each other, but we've never let anyone in that isn't Hanji or Erwin. I mean there was Petra.... but you know how that ended. So letting someone in despite all that makes me feel proud of you." She grinned, pulling me in for a quick hug before pulling back and getting onto cleaning her Gear again. "Now shut up and get cleaning or if we do run into the clean freak, I'm sure he'll moan about it not being spotless." She winked. I chuckled but did what she said anyway.

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