Chapter 7

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Akane's P.O.V

Waking up the next morning, you could easily tell that Eren hadn't had any sleep and had had to stay awake all night listening to Hanji as she went on about her brilliant experiments on her dear Titans. The black bags under his eyes were so dark that I don't think anything could cover it up. A few seconds after we had walked in, the door burst open and a guy from the Survey Corps was standing there looking frantic.
"Is Major Hanji here?" He asked loudly. "The experiment subjects....... Both of the Titans were killed!" He exclaimed. What? Hanji immediately stood up and ran out of the room and Eren followed her. They were to go to the scene of the crime and see for themselves, whilst we stayed here in the castle to clean out the garden like we had been ordered to do in Eren's place. Stupid Levi.....
"So this means that Sawney and Bean were killed huh?" Saya muttered, her voice showing worry now that it was just us two in the room. I sighed and ran a hand through my black hair.
"I'm afraid so, but who on earth would do such a thing? I didn't think anyone with the balls to mess with the Survey Corps was still out there." I took a minute to think about it and came up with a blank. Oh well, now wasn't the time to mull it over, we had a job to do. "Come on Saya, let's go clean the garden shall we, might as well as there's nothing else to do." She nodded in agreement so we walked out of the room to the garden where we found some bags for the weeds to go in, placed on the ground outside the front doors of the castle. Damn that Captain Levi.......

As we were pulling the weeds out of the pavement, I got an idea of what to do with my bag of weeds. Picking it up, I made it look like I was going to walk past Saya and move to a different spot, but at the last minute I spun around and dumped the bag over her head. She let out a surprised gasp and turned to face me looking shocked, weeds all in her long dark brown hair. I burst out laughing at the sight of her covered in weeds, falling to the floor due to laughing so much. She pouted at me before bursting out laughing as well. Oh it's been a long time since we've laughed so much together over something stupid like this. Suddenly though Saya sobered up and she looked at me uncertain.
"Akane? Do you think our parents would accept us for the monsters we are if they found out?" The thought sobered me up as well and I sat there unsure of how to answer. Here we were known as emotionless monsters when really we weren't anything of the sort, it was only half correct. Sure we were emotionless most of the time, but on the inside or with each other, we'd let our real side out and show each other our insecure and worried sides. Our hearts weren't completely black as everyone thought.
"I'm really not sure Saya, I mean I reckon our mother would be fine with us, but our father, well, he's just naturally an idiot." I chuckled. Truthfully though I had a feeling our father wouldn't actually care about us. Though he was loved by the people, when it came to loving others he rarely did so. He deeply respected Commander Erwin which was one bond he had, he was in love our mother at one point though that could no longer be seen, and when it came to if he ever found out about us...... I couldn't see him ever caring about our safety or about the experiments being done on us if he ever found out. "But we've got each other and that's all we really need right? Though I think I've seen you staring at Eren for longer than need be a few times." I teased her, it was true. Every so often I'd see her watching Eren with an emotionless face but her eyes gave it away. She was secretly enjoying having him on our team, of course the fact that he was our age was a benefit to us. Her reaction was hilarious. She began spluttering nonsense and her cheeks went beetroot red. I burst out laughing again and ruffled her hair causing her to moan in annoyance. "It's ok Saya, I won't tell him anything." I winked, picking up my now empty bag and moving on to a different space to begin picking up the weeds.

As time went on, the garden started looking a lot better than it had done before. The sound of horses coming towards the castle could be heard from the woods and not long after arrived Eren, Shultz and Jinn. They hopped off their horses and put them back into their stables. Eren spotted us and came straight over.
"Have you two been cleaning the garden this whole time?" He asked in disbelief. We nodded in reply and gestured towards the bags of weeds now sitting next to the castle walls. "Wow. I don't know how you coped with doing that all the time. I would be bored within a few minutes." He chuckled.
"Oh well we found some ways of entertaining ourselves." I smirked, my eyes looking over at Saya who rolled her own eyes at me.
"How's Hanji coping?" She asked him.
"She kind of lost it when she saw both the Titans laying there dead but she's coping with it, I guess." He shrugged, rubbing the bag of his neck before going over to the horses stables and beginning to feed them using the bucket of food we had already laid out. Eld Jinn and Gunther Shultz were over by the steps talking amongst themselves about the new recruits and the situation at hand so we decided to listen in on their conversation for a bit.
"It looks like they didn't find any soldiers who've used their Maneuver Gear without permission." Shultz commented a tad put out by the news. "Then who did it?" So it was thought to be one of the cadets huh? We'd have to keep an eye on them next time we saw them to make sure nothing bad happened again.
"No idea." Jinn sighed. "Right now, I'm more worried about the upcoming induction ceremony. How many among the new recruits will be crazy enough to join us?"
"Hey, Eren!" Shultz called out to Eren who looked up from feeding one of the horses in confusion. "Are there any in your class who will request to join us?"
"There are." Eren informed him. There are? Who? Well I already knew one of them who'd be crazy enough to join these idiots. Mikasa Ackerman was an obvious one, she'd never let Eren out of her sight. I had a feeling that the blonde one, Armin Arlert would join us as well. "No, there were." Eren took back, looking away from the guys. "I don't know about now."
"Attention!" A voice called out, galloping over on a horse. Looking up I saw it was Levi who was on the horse and it was Gunther who had called out.
"Get ready. We're going out on patrol."
"Yes, sir." Both the guys replied. Eren ran over and performed the salute as well.
"Good morning Captain Levi!" He greeted him. A chuckle slipped out of my lips at the sight. I mean, sure he was under Levi's supervision but he was acting like a suck up.
"Listen, Eren. Never fall two horse lengths behind me." He instructed him. I did a double take as well as Saya at his reply. He was letting Eren go with him? What about us? "Don't forget that the only reason you're not locked up is because I'm watching you." My eyebrow raised at his choice of words and I almost laughed. Well, in a way Eren was being black mailed by Levi. Do as he says, or go back to being locked up or worse killed.
"Yes, sir!" Eren replied.
"Let's go." Eren looked shocked at Levi before nodding. Before turning the horse around and cantering off, Levi looked over at us and sighed. "You two are coming as well. Get a move on you lazy brats." He ordered. With that the five of us got onto our horses and followed Levi out of the castle grounds like we were ordered to do.

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