Chapter 10

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Akane's P.O.V

"That was his plan from the very start! Right?" Eren questioned. Saya and I looked at each other knowing it was but our expressions showed nothing, however, the others just looked confused. "I can see why he wouldn't have told the new troops. But why wouldn't he tell you when you've been with the Survey Corps for so long?" All of them looked disappointed and instantly started asking if the Commander and Captain Levi didn't trust them.
"Petra! Rip out his teeth!" Bozado yelled whilst he pointed his swords at Eren. We both looked at the three fighting with amused expression on our faces until someone spoke up.
"No, Eren's right." All of them looked shocked at Jinn's comment. But their expressions soon softened as he began to explain how it was because of someone else who could turn into a Titan. A spy.
"A spy? Is that possible?" Shultz asked shocked, looking down at the tree branch he was on.
"At any rate, the Commander is certain." Jinn continued. "I'd imagine the only soldiers who were told of the plan were those who've stayed alive for the past five years." A look of understanding swept over everyone's faces as they began to realise what was going on and why it was going on this way. Saya and I stayed quiet throughout their conversation, just silently watching them as they spoke.
"He's assuming that five years ago when the first wall fell, a spy infiltrated our ranks..... And that's how he narrowed down the possibilities." Petra spoke up sounding confident in her captain now.
"Then the spy killed Sonny and Bean?" Jinn questioned. Well, that was a bit obvious. As they continued talking I walked over to Raven and began stroking her fur. She seemed calm as she stood there, her eyes focused on the green that she was eating instead of darting around like some of the others were doing nervously. Behind me I heard Bozado trying to copy Levi again almost causing me to laugh. He sounded more of an idiot than Levi normally did.... And that's saying something. As the conversation was getting on to a lighter note, a loud roar type scream echoed throughout the forest. Was that a Titan call? The female Titan? It was her wasn't it! Everyone let out noises of shock and alarm before it went quiet again. The silence continued before Shultz called out,
"Back to the horses! Prepare to retreat!"
"You heard the man. Let's go see what the bastard inside looks like." Bozado replied lazily as he stood up from his seated position. We all did as we were told, Saya and I making sure to check our gas tanks before getting ready to leave.

"You had faith in us." I heard Petra say to Eren happily. "This is the result of your choice to trust us back then. Making the right choice isn't easy."
"Hey, don't spoil him too much Petra." Bozado complained. "What did he do anyway? He was pathetic. He just kept whining." Saya and I laughed at his comment causing Eren to look over at us and blush slightly. "Well, coming back alive on your first excursion is pretty good. But it doesn't count until the missions over. Listen, kiddo, the expedition lasts until you're at home in bed....."
"Jeez, I know that!" Eren whined, causing us to laugh even more. With that he began to use the Maneuver Gear to get back to where everyone was further in the forest. Whilst we did so Oluo began recalling Petra and Bozado's first mission causing Petra to let out a shout of complaint and shock. I chuckled at what I heard how they both pissed themselves on their first missions, but tuned it out after that. Something didn't feel right. Something was going to happen.... I just knew it..... A green round was fired into the air catching our attention and I felt myself tense up. What was going on?
"We'll rendezvous with the Captain!" Shultz called out. "Cut the chatter till we get back." He landed on a branch and fired a green round into the air in response. The others looked relaxed but Saya and I were on alert, our eyes darting around to look for who fired that round. Something wasn't right. A hooded figure wearing our uniform soon flew up beside up as we carried on through the forest and we all looked over. "Who are you?!" Shultz ordered in alarm. The figure turned towards us and went for Shultz, cutting through him with their blades. Everyone stared in shock as we realised that this was the spy or traitor.
"G- Gunther! What? Why?" Eren demanded. He made his way towards where Shultz lay hanging there from a tree and a horrified and shocked look spread across his face as he saw that he was dead. Saya and I pulled out our swords ready for a fight while the rest continued forward hoping to get rid of the enemy.
"Protect Eren! Eldo where should we go?" Bozado called out annoyed and alarmed.
"There isn't time to reach the horses. Head for HQ as fast as you can!" Jinn shouted back. So it was a race huh? I could do that.
"Come at me! I'll defeat you even if it kills me!" Petra yelled out angrily. Oh no. We can't have that. The hooded figure disappeared behind a tree before suddenly there was a bright light slightly stunning us for a moment, then the female Titan appeared. Oh shit!
"Damn it! How dare you? This time I will defeat it!" Eren shouted out going to bite his hand to turn into his Titan form but Jinn stopped him.
"The three of us will kill the Titan. You will continue to head straight for HQ at full speed. Akane, Saya, you two go with him!" He ordered. Eren began to argue back pretty much saying everything that Saya and I felt at the time, but everyone managed to convince him to carry on while they stopped the female Titan. With that, we all began to speed up while the other three hung back. We needed to protect Eren while they fought. Hopefully they would get out of this alive.

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