Chapter 15

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Saya's P.O.V

We had a mission today and though I hadn't a clue how it would end up, I was kind of excited to get out there and take out my anger and frustration on those ugly Titans. We would be leaving in ten minutes but for now, we were taking care of preparations and making sure our Maneuver Gear worked and the horses were well looked after otherwise they wouldn't be useful in battle.

We soon had everything prepared and were making our way outside of the wall, riding on the backs of our trusty horses.
"Akane, I have a really bad feeling about this mission." I explained to her. She brushed me off and told me everything would be fine. I would have liked to believe her, but I had this really bad feeling that something would happen. "Akane I'm serious! I really have a bad feeling about this." I frowned, my eyes showing her how serious I was. She studied me carefully before sighing and smiling reassuringly at me.
"Don't worry Saya. We'll be fine, even if something happens I promise you that we'll both return as well as everyone else." She promised, and though her voice sounded certain, I could see deep down that she had the same feeling as I did.

We had been riding for a good hour or so before we arrived at a large clearing, the same one as last time when the Annie incident happened, and we all went into our positions to take down the Titans that had been surrounding this area. Erwin gave out commands to the soldiers that they must take down the Titans at all costs as their population was becoming greater and they needed to be taken down. Akane and I had been told to go to the abandoned house area where Sasha had been chased before, and were told to go with Armin and Sasha. Well, at least we got two people we actually liked. We stayed there on our horses trotting around the area to see if any Titans were coming and we found the area clear. There were people further down from us so if Titans appeared then they would warn us.
"Saya, you know Mikasa is really jealous of you right?" Sasha suddenly said with a grin on her face. I looked up at her shocked before smirking when I heard Akane laughing and saw Armin smiling amused.
"I have no idea what you mean." I shrugged.
"So the whole display with Eren is something you don't remember?" Akane teased innocently. I rolled my eyes as I saw Armin give her a questioning look while Sasha just burst out laughing. Apparently he didn't know.
"Oh shut it Akane. You know there's nothing there." I poked my tongue out at her and then it was her turn to roll her eyes. She was about to object when we heard the sound of a round being fired up in the sky. Looking up, my eyes went wide as I noticed the Collosal Titan. Holy..... Hell....... This wasn't supposed to happen! I heard Armin fire a round up into the sky letting them know of the danger coming towards us and that it was a danger to the mission.
"Pull back! Now!" Akane ordered. All of us turned our horses around and began to gallop towards where we knew the others were. The floor beneath us vibrated with the heaviness of the Collosal Titans footsteps causing me to panic slightly. This was a moment where I think even Levi couldn't help us.

We continued galloping away from the Collosal Titan but it seemed like our efforts weren't enough as it soon got closer and almost grabbed hold of Sasha. She let out a shriek of fear and tried making her horse run faster, but unfortunately there was a limit to how fast our horses could run for a period of time.
"Saya, continue on with the rest. I'll distract him then join you again." Akane ordered me. I went to protest but the look in her eyes stopped me. She looked so angry and desperate for me to get away from the Titan behind us that her senses were losing control. Even though the syrums we had tested on us would stop her from dying so easily, I was still worried. We were only human after all, not immortals. Akane stood up on Raven's saddle and used her Maneuver Gear to get closer to the Collosal Titan. She went in circles around the Titan making it confused and switching its attention from Sasha to her as planned. Sasha managed to get far enough away that Akane stopped what she was doing, but just as she slowed down in her movements, the Collosal Titan reacted and made a grab at her. He only just missed catching her leg due to Akane doing a flip over his hand and landing on his wrist. She ran up his arm and jumped up, pulling her swords out as she did so to try to aim at his weak point. He seemed to know what she was doing and quickly turned so he was now facing her. His hand came up and swatted her away. She went crashing down to the ground and would've been dead if it wasn't for the syrum running through her veins.
"Akane!" I shouted out in alarm, the other two watching in fear as the Collosal Titan turned his attention away from her towards us again. Before he could do anything though, Akane was suddenly cutting his heels legs causing him to stumble but not fall. Letting out a roar, we heard more roars respond to his and turned to see a load of smaller Titans making their way towards us, but at the same time, behind them was Levi and his group. As our attention was distracted, we failed to notice the Collosal Titan suddenly disappear.
"What the hell?" I heard Akane call out in disbelief when she noticed he was missing. How the heck did that ugly thing manage that?..... Oh well no time to worry about that now, we had to concentrate on those stupid things coming towards us.

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