Chapter 13

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Saya's P.O.V 

I groaned as I opened my eyes my whole body was killing me. Feeling something soft and warm covering me, I looked down and noticed that I was in my bed. Somebody had moved me.
"Akane?" I rolled over in bed to find her, but I only saw Hanji who was sat on Akane's bed. "Where is she?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper due to me feeling so weak.
"She's getting you two some food. You need it." I nodded before going to close my eyes again. "No way are you going to sleep again, you need to heal yourself." She told me sternly.
"I don't think I can." I mumbled as I looked down at my body. It was still covered in bruises and scratches. "Hanji it's not that bad just a few scratches they'll heal in no time at all."
"What about your broken nose?" She asked me as she held up a mirror. It didn't look too bad, it was little out of shape and there was obvious bruising and to be honest I really didn't want to explain that so I decided to agree with Hanji. I didn't know how it was really done so I closed my eyes and imagined my nose healing, the bruises and cuts on my body disappearing and in that instant I felt it. I could feel the skin pulling and rejoining and the bones in my nose healing and re-aligning. I groaned in pain as the process happened but as soon as it was done I relaxed.
"How did I do?" I panted. Hanji looked up at me a grin plastered on her face.
"Take a look for yourself." I looked and smiled to myself. I did it. I healed myself. However I was now exhausted I could barely keep awake, how did Akane manage to do this before and stay awake? At that point was when Akane walked in carrying food.
"So you're up then?" She asked smiling at me, I nodded and yawned before instantly laying down and falling asleep yet again.

Akane's P.O.V

It had been an hour since Saya had fallen asleep again. In that hour she had woken up again and I'd made her eat something. She accepted the food happily and it seemed to give her more energy as the tiredness wore off and she began moving round. Now we were outside back at the HQ outside of the walls where the new recruits were training along with Eren. As we walked past them, I noticed how they would smile at Saya but avoid my eyes, everyone but Eren, Armin, Connie and Sasha that is. Scoffing in amusement, I ignored them but smiled back at those who actually met my eyes. They looked shocked for a moment at my smile before turning back to training with a small smile on their lips. Saya looked at me worriedly so I gave her a reassuring smile.
"It's fine Saya, they don't bother me at all." I chuckled, ruffling her dark brown hair.
"Akane! Saya! Come over here!" A grumpy voice called us. Looking over, I saw Levi standing there watching us closely. Oh here it goes. We went over to see what he wanted, and he led us further round where there were no eyes watching us.
"What did you want Levi?" I asked boredly, crossing my arms over my chest which kind of pushed them up a bit. Oh well, what did I care? It was my father we were talking about not some hormonal teenager, for example, young Eren.
"What exactly happened on that expedition girls? I've already got the details from Eren and Mikasa. I was told that Akane was the one who stopped Saya from doing anything. Is this true?" He demanded. From the corner of my eye, I saw Saya about to deny it but I put my arm out telling her to stop.

"Yes, sir. It was my fault." I informed him emotionlessly. Of course on the inside my heart began to hurt when I thought about the death of our mother.
"You allowed those people to die there on the mission and allowed Eren to get captured by the female Titan. What do you have to say for yourself?" I bristled at the accusation behind those words. In other words he was blaming me for basically killing Petra. Fine. Let him blame me, nothing was going to change that hatred he felt towards me anyway.
"I say, that we should have had more backup. Maybe if you weren't being Commander Erwin's lap dog, then we could've had more help saving them. How about not putting your hopes onto three teenagers. Of course you would've preferred it if Saya and I had died instead though right?" I smirked, my eyes darkening as anger coursed through my veins. His eyes widened in shock at the attitude I was giving him but then they also darkened with anger as I saw his hands tighten into fists.
"Akane, stop." Saya warned me. I would've normally listened but the anger had taken control and there was no stopping me now. The anger at how we'd been treated like experiments, the anger at finally confessing to our mother only to have her taken away, and the anger at our father who would've preferred it if he's only children had died instead of his comrades and our mother. All of that was coursing through me and I could do nothing to stop it.
"No, Saya I won't stop. It's about damn time I got this off my chest. What is your problem? You've always hated us haven't you? I know it's true. I've seen how you act around us compared to anyone else. Now that they're dead you've got just the excuse you needed to actually show how much you hate us. Of course instead of having to blame both of us, you're blaming me. The supposed guilty party. If you were there then maybe you could've made a damn difference! If you or anyone else was there you would've seen how it went down without having to hear from someone who was distracted by Annie, and someone else who only arrived later on and hates us anyway. Oh well. Maybe we should've died, that way you'd have your precious comrades standing here, and of course you're favourite woman in the world right. How would she react to you treating us like this huh? Would she be happy that you're taking everything out on two teenagers. No. I think she'd be sorely disappointed in you." I chuckled darkly. I hadn't meant to bring up our mother but he'd pushed me to the limit. Everyone had and I couldn't control myself anymore. The only thing that snapped me out of it was when he brought back his fist and let it come flying at my face, catching my eye and the side of my head. There was a deadly silence after it happened and it was only five seconds later when it had sunk in did I react. I grit my teeth and went to hit him back but as my fist flew forward, a hand came in between us and caught it. Looking up angrily, I backed down when I saw Erwin standing there with Hanji and the new recruits were also standing a little while away watching us. Saya looked torn on how to react beside me.
"That's enough. I heard everything and Levi, I want you to come with me. There's some things you should know. Saya, go join the others in training. Akane." He turned to look at me sternly. "You back to your room and I will come speak to you afterwards, or maybe I won't have to." He added with a quick glance at Levi. My hands clenched into fists and I stormed back into the base to my room. I could feel everyone watching me as I left, and as a thought came to mind, I veered to the right and walked off back outside using the back entrance. Stuff it. I'm getting out of here for a while. Walking to the stables, I saddled up Raven and left for a while. My Maneuver Gear was fully equipped in case I ran into anything on the way, but I knew I'd be fine. My head needed clearing and a ride on Raven always managed to do that just fine.....

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