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Third PoV:

While that in the castle of the king of mythic beast were in panic situation, the king's son and his close butler disappeared, and the search complete his two weeks with no hints to where they went, there many thoughts that the mythic hunters catch them but with no proof the monsters and humans king deny that, they can't force their servants to collect information from that kingdom cause this will break the peace rule and will start a third war.

The vampire king hit his desk on his office hardly that made a huge crack on it, but he doesn't care, his little and only son disappear how he will live with himself if anything bad happen to him.

Then one of the castle servants enter the office and said after bowing " my lord, one of the far west village people said he saw two skeletons kids enter the forbidden forest there, he can't follow them so send what he knows immediately to us ", the king sat on his chair relief a little then said firmly " tell Vida to come here ", the servant bowing again and left.

The king know thinking how to enter that forest he doesn't has any idea if there something live there, his thoughts cut by entering his best friend and ex-lover Vida a goat monster and a pure blood vampire with stronger magic of life like she the life herself.

Vida hug the king when he stands up from his chair said softly " Death I heard they found them, is it true? ", Death hug her back and said " yes, they enter the far west forbidden forest, we will take trip to there, the west village take a long 3 to 4 days if we go now ", they separate from the hug and Vida nods to Death and tell him she will be ready in 10 minutes.

His servant make everything ready for him and Vida, but they stopped by the pure vampires council, they begin till Death that a stupid idea to leave the kingdom to go to the far west village, that place is for the punished people or the poorest one and the un-pure blood vampire, not for the king and his best friend and his royal servants, Death give them angry glared and said angry " another bullshit talk and one of you will become my snack now ".

They shut up knowing how powerful Death is, they bow in apologize for their actions and hope for him a nice trip, in the trip Death still worried that will be a lie to bring him there, his dark area become thick and powerful.

Vida notice that and put her paw on his shoulder using some little of her magic to calm him down, it's not good for his magic to become uncontrolled, his magic area will kill immediately anyone had a normal magic or state around him, Death calm and little relax, he has to wait until they arrive to the village to know if that right or not.

The servant who drive the cart that pulled by two beast horse, said " my lord, I can if let me of course reduce the time to reach that village to 12 hours, you can with miss. Vida resting until we arrive cause the sun will come up in 10 minutes ", Death know what his servant mean, using the teleport magic will be a good, but they can't use it for the long distances, so his servant will use it for like he said, Death said calmly " good thinking Wexr, you can do it, we will be in your care ", Death trust Wexr so much, that he will rest like he said with Vida beside him, until the reach the village.

~ Time Skip to 5 p.m. ~

In the huge woody house in the middle of the forest, the sun still up but with the huge trees surrounding the house barely the sun-light come in so the little vampires is fine to woke up now. The Dad was in the kitchen made some breakfast to his children and the little skeleton dragon who wake up early and ask about his brother with some insult in it.

The Dad shushed gently the skele-dragon when he want say a bad word " dear Edge, you know the rule here, I know your brother it's okay with that but I have a small kids here, and you don't want them to repeat such bad word like that in front me .. are you? ", Edge shook his head with apologize to the Dad knowing that he had nothing with the lazy shit liar that he had it as big brother.

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