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Third PoV:

" so I was 8 or maybe 9 when I met him, before that I was trouble maker after my parents died, I don't listen to anyone so the whose take me to live with him get angry and sold me to a slave seller on the kingdom like that heh,* take sip from the cup * I become slave to kinky master or test rat for some witches then one day with one of the witches the experiment failed and my heart begin beaten slowly so the witch get scared cause if I died he will buy for the consequences so he throw me into some river and run away, that day I felt finally I'll die, but a splash heard like one jamb in the water and then a strong pair of bony arm wrap around my frozen body and swimming out the water taking some deep breath and swim to the closest land, he save me, he give summoned my soul and give to it some magic a green one, I was angry who he is, and why he save me, when my heart begin beaten normally and my body felt the warmth again, I slap him when I managed to stand up then want to kill myself but he easily got me again in his arms and put on of his hand on my eyes and said " it's wrong to kid to think about death now " then all I remember wake up in this house, after some several yelling and cures at him I accept to live with him and made him my new Dad, he was happy when I called him Dad after one year, that my little story ".

Goth and Palette were in deep shock at Crystal's past and at how she tells it like some normal story, Zack rise his hand saying, " my turn my turn " Crystal chuckled at the childish Zack and tell him to go on, he said little sad " I was 6 when I met Dad, before that I was abused by my own Dad after my mother died, we lived in far village and that village have some strange rules, one time after he beat me until I lost my sight on my left eye he apologize to the other because he had me, when I become 6 years, he had enough of me so he take me to this forest to kill me, but before he touch me he disappear like that, all I can see it's a clocked person front me lend a hand to me, I was terrified first, but then I accept his hand and he immediately pull me up carefully, he kneel down to see my face, I remember how the tears slid down his cheeks when he see my blind eye, I was confuse why someone strange feel sad about me?!, he held my hand and said " oh dear don't worry no one will hurt ever, you can come with me if you don't have anyone beside that man who bring you here " I don't want to stay with my Dad so I accept his offer even if I just met him, I felt save with him, when he bring me to this house, there were Crystal, Ramon, Karen, Diego and Marx whose accept me as their brother ".

Palette and Goth felt really awful to make them tell their past, and now it's Karen turn she just skip her turn when she saw how Goth and Palette now, Crystal was remember something and said " oh, guys do know that Marx the demon of lust, I remember that when Dad punish him little when he make the big brother of dragon of chaos Fell in heat, that was funny to watch " Karen thank to her fast thinking , she cover Zack ears, and glared at Crystal who shrug, Goth and Palette were confuse is that mean Marx one of demons of sins, that will be weird to see him fight with power of control at the desire and lust of the person.

Karen apologize for Crystal behave then remove her hand from Zack ears, but Palette and Goth refuse it's was okay, they kept talking about something else, then Goth said still little curios " I'm sorry if now become nosy but did know about your Dad past?, or how old he is ? ", Crystal answer " ah- that something really I don't think about it, he for sure is more than hundred year but no idea of his past or his truly age ".


~ Mean While > with Death and the other ~

When Death lose his attention on Marx, his eyes begin glowing little bright purple, Diego cover Edge eyes with his tail and close his eyes, Vida and Fallacy was confuse why they do that, until Vida felt her body begin hot, she doesn't know what happen to her, Fallacy's thread begin weak around Diego, Edge and Ramon, he was on the ground taking a deep breath his body grow hot in every second passed.

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