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Third PoV:

It's normal to Geno's two older sons play with each other little roughly, of course like any brotherhood they have to fight on somethings but when come to Marx and Tailor, they were semi fighting?, fighting with their lowest magic they had, they always like that when they into problem, Diego said rising his voice to make them look at him " YOU TWO IDIOTS, stop making this situation more worst than ever ", Edge was behind Diego who carried Ramon who still passed out, Death and the other felt their bodies begin back to normal state cause Marx's magic become weak on them and replace with Tailor angle's magic who was positive and remove Marx's magic effect from them.

Tailor rise his hand playfully as he give up and dodge the last hit from Marx and said calmly " okay little bro, we stop sorry, so we will back cause you know king Death here with his friend come here for important reason, but first Diego put Ramon on the ground I'll use my magic to wake him up ", Diego carefully put Ramon on the ground and Tailor kneeled down beside him and with touch by Tailor hand on Ramon's forehead his eyes open slowly and sit looking around him in confuse at what happen, Tailor stand up and tell Diego to answer Ramon's questions, so he turn and faced Death, Fallacy and Vida whose now fine and stand with confuse look and Death with little rage to what happen to him touch his pride as king.

" listen king Death, I'm sorry for my brothers behave and what Marx do to you all it's just a self-defense please don't be mad on them, and I know why you are here it's about the two kid enter the forest about a day ago, we all back to the house now " Tailor said calmly and firmly, Death want to said something but stop when he saw a portal open beside them it was big to let them get through it, and show in the other side the house that Tailor talk about it, Diego, Edge, Marx and Ramon get through the portal and Tailor look at Death, Fallacy and Vida and said " please can go know it's hard to keep the portal open ", Vida take Death and Fallacy hands and get through the portal not making Death say anything she knows they cause problem by what they did to the kids so now will listen to the angle he did not lie, front them a huge house surrounded by some huge trees make look so old, but if look good it's seems it had been here just for 50 to 80 years.

The portal close behind them with Tailor pant little, he use so much magic for one day, he look confuse why his brothers not enter the house when he passed them he saw two B-beast front the house growling at Death and his two friend, Tailor move his hand up and said " easy guys, they're with us so move a side please ", because of the nose out the house Crystal went to open the door and saw them and said " uh- it's just you ... and who are they? * point at Death and his friends * ", Tailor chuckled a little and said calmly" and good to see you too little sis, we have some guests and the other had to back cause there something I want discuss with Dad " Crystal step aside letting her brothers enter the house and behind them Death, Fallacy and Vida who confuse like hell, " Dad not here Tail, we had a little problem in the monsters Humans village and he did not back yet " Crystal said calmly and looking at Death and his two friends.

" who was on the door?, the twins wake up and asking about Dad an.. " Karen stop talking when she notices her brothers and the other strangers and said " Tail you are dead, how you dare to bring strangers here? " Tailor chuckled at his sister and said " calm down Karen, they not strangers, this is the king Death beside him the ex-king Fallacy and the life vampire Vida " Karen's eyes widened and grab Death's hand and lead him to the living room, Death was stranded by this but when he saw who was sitting on the couch in the living room he didn't move, he son was here, if his cold heart was beating it would stop, he can't believe that his little boy is front him.

Karen let Death's hand and Goth was stand off the couch now looking at his Father with tears fall from his eyes socket, he run to his Father place and hug him and Death return the hug fast and make him little tightly and let his pride fall and let his own tears fall while he hugging his son, he notice the human boy who was sitting beside his son when he was sitting on the couch and his son's best friend and personal servant Palette who was happy to see Death and the others.

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