Injustice League

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It's been a few days since the Reds, Alfred is now staying with us at the cave. So I can have company while the others go on missions, and Alfred is great at playing games. I'm waiting for everyone to come back from there mission, but I'm worried, everybody was tense and unfocused when they left.
"Mistress Jane, the Bioship just landed in the garage." I jump up and then sprint to the garage, Sure I'm still a bit hurt, but I've noticed that I heal faster than the average person.
"You're back!!" I jump up and down clapping and giggling.
"Who's the doggie?"
"Jane, this is Wolf. He's kinda like you, people took him and experimented on him, now he's like you."
"Ohh, well, Wolf it will be easier to handle your new skills soon. Now where is Dickie?"
"He's talking with Kalder."
"Thanks Artemis, Megan you might want to go take a nap, you look greener that usual." She rolls her eyes and I rush to find my brother.
"That was a close one, Why didn't you tell the team sooner?"
"Because, we have two teammates that are from Cadmus. Those people could have programmed them to do stuff without them knowing."
"Don't you dare accuse my baby sister! Remember Megan said she has a strong mind, Megan couldn't help her till Jane allowed. SB is our friend, he may have anger issues, but he wouldn't betray us."
"I suppose you're right, how did your end of the mission go?"
"Peachy, if you call worrying about your sibling for most of the time."
"Robin, she's capable of protecting herself, stop being so protective."
"Yeah, Robin. I'm a big girl now." Both of them jump and scream, scared them.
"Jane, don't, do that!"
"Never, by the way, my hearing aid is still broken."
"Ohh, I thought that you got it fixed?"
"Ummm, no. I can hack not do this tech."
"Well, come on, Zatara is visiting."
"Ok. Can I wear suit today?"
"Sure, come on, I'll help you get it on."
"No need, I made something cool." I hit a button on my working hearing aid, then my trapeze suit is replaced by my hero suit.
"Wow, when did you do this?"
"With Alfred, I think yesterday. Race ya to the Zetatubes." I take if running and I'm giggling like a mad person.
"Hey! No fair!" I hear Robin chasing after me, I'm still giggling, I made it first to the Zetatube, but I ran into someone, quite literally .
"Oooff, I'm so sorry."
"No, it's ok." I look and see I ran into a girl that looks like me. But older, and not broken.
"My name is Zatana, what's yours?"
"Jane!" I turn to see Robin coming to help me up, I accept then hide behind his legs.
"I'm sorry, my sister needs to be more careful." Robin helps Zatana up.
"So, this is your sister? I didn't know the Boy wonder had siblings."
"Yeah, so are you here with Zatara?"
"Yeah, my dad wanted to introduce me to the team."
"Ok, come on Jane. How about you go ninja?"
"Ok, if you go anywhere, I better be coming." Then I disappear into his shadow, quite literally. I decide to hide in the Bios-ship. Knowing they'll leave me behind.
"Black Canary, please open the bay doors." I feel the ship take off, I hit the button to put my regular clothes on. Then I sneak into the front of the ship.
"I knew you'd try to leave me!" They all jump and snap there heads in my direction. Zatana screamed.
"Yes, now take me with you! I'm better, I can come!"
"Miss M? It's your ship."
"Well she's already here, so why not. Jane's been in the cave for a long time, she could use the air." I giggle then go up to Robin.
"Guys, I'm getting a strange reading. Should we check it out?"
"Umm, what do you think Zatana?"
"Well, it looks like your kidnapping me." I'm giggling very much now, Robin is having trouble keeping me on his lap.
"Jane, you'll stay on the ship."
"Hell no! I can fight! I'm all better!"
"Jane, how much time have you spent spying on the adults?"
"Whenever you are not home."
"How old are you?" I look at Zatara.
"I'm seven, why?"
"You sure know a lot."
"Well, that's what happens when your kidnaped from your family, brainwashed, and frozen for years. We better head to Morrow, if you want to find your enemy, question their competition."
"How'd you know that?"
"I spent a year with the League of Assassins, you pick up a thing or two." Zatara looks shocked, the team sympathetic.
"Stop looking at me like that! I don't need your sympathy, just keep going!" I run to the back of the bio-ship, then I sit down and cry.
"Hey, do you want company?" I look up to see Zatara, she looks nervous.
"Sure, did Robin send you?"
"No, I just figured you'd want some company." She sits down next to me.
"Want to tell me about what that was about?"
"Ok, I hate how protective the team is of me. I'm not helpless, I survived Cadmus for crying out loud! I spent years on my own, learning how to fend for myself, but they still treat my like a child!"
"Well, you are one."
I giggle at this.
"Well, sort of, I'm really eleven years old, but I was frozen for three and a half years so I still look seven. I got hurt pretty bad a few days ago, and since then, they think I'm weak and fragile."
"The reds?"
"Yeah, and hostage at adopted dad's charity event."
"Oh, is that why you have those marks on your wrists?"
"Yeah, Harley burned my wrists. Cadmus enhanced my body, I noticed that it helps me heal faster. They just need to see me as not weak."
"I get it, my dad is the same way. He never really lets me do much, that's why I'm happy to get out. He's to protective. Hey, how about we hang out whenever I'm able to see the team?"
"I'd like that, we could watch each other's backs. Sneak onto missions and do things together. I've already lost my parents, I'm not gonna loose my brother." I look at her and we agreed, we'll do things together.
"Umm, get ready, we're landing." I hit my button, and I'm in my suit. Luckily Alfred helped me make it so it did my hair in a ponytail.
"Nice suit, but it looks exactly like what you where just wearing."
"I know, I like to wear trapeze suits, they remind me of my time at the circus with my family." She nods then we head to the exit, she recites some magic spell, and is in a suit of her own.
"Zatana, during missions, Jane is Blue J."
"Ok, so Blue J, What do you do?"
"I hack, do recon, spy, and other stuff."
"Ok, well, Robin, I feel like your sister would like to be in the action more."
"When she's older she can, till then no." I put, then I hear something.
"Shoot, my ears." I look at Robin, and he pales.
"Blue J, will you be ok?"
"I think, I'll stay outside the prison and keep watch. I'm not risking getting hurt just yet." Everyone nods, then I disappear.

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