A Heroes Goodbye

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A few days after we got better, Slade was apprehended by Batman, AKA: Awesome dad!

Damien and I are heading back to Gotham today, lets just say he is nervous as to how everyone will react to this. We get to the Batcave around noon, and there is a surprise visitor, Thalia.

"Son, Daughter you have done well. I take it, Damien was trained and educated?"

"Yes, just maybe not the way you usually do or like doing. By the way, this is between you three." I point to the three people in the cave, then I turn around.

"I'm out, cuz I'm not blood related. This is definitely a blood related topic, I only related due to adoption. C'ya." I quickly make it up to my room, hoping Dick is there.

"Dick!" I find him waiting for me in my room, he turns around and smiles at me.

"Jane! I'm so sorry, I couldn't find anything that might help you." I sigh, I new not to expect anything so my hopes where never high. I'm worried for Dick though, when I die, he'll tear himself up over it.

"Dick, it's ok. I'm ready to die, I've excepted it." I place a hand on my brother's shoulder to comfort him, but Dick looks depressed about it.

"Jane, you shouldn't have had to be fine with it. You're too young to die, and you are one of the best people on this planet! I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't try to help you live." I sigh then sit down, Dick's doing exactly what I didn't want him doing.

"Dick, I don't want to leave you, but I'll be with mom and dad waiting for you. Unless my soul is sent to hell to be tortured for all the people I've murdered in my life. I don't see dying as scary, I see it as an end to all the pain I've suffered. Dickie, I grew up way too fast, and lost so much. This is my way to make up for everything, I know that you want to try to stop this, but it was going to happen."

"Jane, I've already lost mom and dad, I'm not ready to loose you to." I sigh then give Dick a hug.

"Dick, I'll never truly leave you. I'll live on in your memory and in your heart. If you want to honor my memory when I'm gone, do it by keeping Damien on the path of the good side, and keep yourself there as well." With that, I leave to find food.

1 month later....

"Robin, Raven, Impulse, Batgirl, and myself are going to infiltrate the League of Assassins base, Nada Parpat. Rash has become a major threat to the world, Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Nightwing, and Zatana will be backing us up. We are going to be doing this op in stealth mode, now go prep, we leave in an hour." The team nod then head off, but I stop two of them.

"Batgirl, Robin, I need to talk with you both." They nod then follow me, I lead them to the place in the Watchtower where the memorials are.

"Blue J, what is it?" I sigh, I've only got hours left. I can feel my body starting to give in.

"I wanted to tell you both how proud I am of both of you. I've seen you grow and evolve as heroes and people. I wanted to talk with you both, just in case anything happens to me." Suddenly they both look serious.

"Jane, your not going to die. We've already established that you can't." I sigh, but look Barbra in the eyes.

"If anything happens to me Barbra, I want you to be the next leader of the team. You're not the same girl you where when you started, just like I'm not the same either. Damien, if I die, promise me you will stay being a hero. Promise me." He looks conflicted, but then looks at me.

"I promise you sister, if you die. I will keep going on and being a hero to honor your memory." I nod at them, and give them both hugs. They head off, and I head to my room to finish my will, and personal letters to all my friends and family.

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