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Today I start to heal Jane's mind, when we got back, we brought her to a hospital. They admitted her into the more serious condition patients, reporters and news people are all around the lobby. We told them what happened, we found her in Bialia, Simon messed with her mind, keep her here till she is fixed.
I enter her room to find Robin already here.
"How long have you been here?"
"A couple of days, why?" I place a hand on his shoulder.
"Go get some rest, I think Jane would want that." He nods then leaves, then I began to fix her mind.
When I entered Jane's mind, I didn't know what to expect, but what I see is just shocking. Jane is kneeling before the broken bodies of her parents, she wasn't here for the event, but she probably saw the papers. I walk up to her and place a hand on her shoulder.
"Jane, hey look at me please." She turns her head and looks at me.
"I wasn't there for them, I killed people, I made orphans, I'm no better than Zuko."
"Jane, look at me. Your no monster, your Blue J, the hero. You where forced to do those things, your mind was messed with. I need your permission to fix it, will you help me?"
"No, I deserve to die."
"Jane Greyson! Do you want to leave Dick, or Bruce? What about Alfred? What about the team? We all care for you, so please let me heal you." I look her in the eyes, and see how broken she really is.
"Ok, but please don't snoop at my memories." I nod, then place my hands on her head. She glows, and I see her hair going back to her black and her eyes are going back to blue, only now they are sapphire blue. When we finish, Jane smiles, then laughs.
"Thank you Megan, I feel whole again, I actually feel in control."
"I hope so, I removed all Cadmus' programming. I have to warn you Jane, your body actually caught up with your age, you are taller and more mature. Don't let that shock you too much, also your senses will be even sharper, they do that as you get older, until you are old." She giggles her beautiful laugh.
"Ok, so I'm more like you and Artemis and Zatana? I'm more developed as a person, meaning taller wiser and stronger? And I probably have longer hair." I laugh.
"Yes, exactly. I brought with me some clothes for you to put on, you wore a horrible outfit when we found you."
"Ok, I want to wake up now, I'm tired of being stuck in my mind." I nod, then exit her mind.

Jane's point of view

I open my eyes, slowly, but they open. I sit up and look around, I'm in a hospital, and the Megan is with me.
"I told Bruce and Dick you woke up, they'll be waiting for you when we take you downstairs." I nod, then stand up, I walk to the mirror and gasp. My eyes are sapphire blue, my hair has princess curls, and is raven black. My skin is pale, probably from not seeing the sun in two months, my body is pretty lean, and you can tell I have muscles, but you don't know the strength. My hair is to about my knees now, I'm gonna cut it, but what's shocking is that my scars, all of them are gone.
"Megan, my scars, they're gone." I turn around and look at her in shock.
"Really? I guess they finished your super healing."
"I don't get it? I had hundreds of them, now I have none. Huh, I guess this is what my skin used to look like before my body was covered in scars." I smile, then turn to Megan.
"So, where are these clones I was told about?" Megan laughs and levitates me the clothes, I go to the bathroom and put them on. She brought me skinny jeans, a sapphire blue blouse, my songbird necklace, my blue jay bracelet, black ballet flats, and some hair stuff. I head to the mirror, then take the scissors and cut my hair. I make it waist length, then I do the half up half down style I love. Satisfied I exit the bathroom.
"Wow, Jane, you look amazing." I roll my eyes and giggle, my giggle sounds the same. I noticed that I'm now like 4'8, hmm, I'm now taller.
"I'm ready to see my family, can I please go see them?"
"Of course." Megan leads me out of the hospital, once we step outside, I see news reporters, and cameras. I scan the area and find my brother and adopted dad.
"Dick! Bruce!" I exclaimed in joy, I rushed to them and was engulfed in a big warm hug.
"Jane, your ok? Nothing wrong?"
"No, I'm fine. Miss Martian helped me." Then I giggle, Dick looks relieved.
"Jane, do try not to scare us like that again please."
"I can't make no promises Bruce, let's go home please." They both nod, but Bruce and Dick thank Megan then join me in the car.
"I almost didn't recognize you Jane, your so tall now."
"I know, I was shocked when I woke up. I think this means I need a new suit." Everyone starts to laugh.
"Jane, we want to have a welcome back party. Is that ok with you?"
"What type of party? I actually had fun at the fundraiser until the river and Joker happened. Would the team be there? Can Zatara come?"
"Well, the more recognizable members of the League would be there, Wonder Woman, Hawk Girl, Martian Manhunter, and Aquaman. Those in the team who would be there in uniform would be Aqualad and Miss Martian. This party would be not only to welcome you home, but it's for the more important people of the world to get together and discuss business and peace. Wonder Woman would be representing her people, Aqualad and Aquaman there people. You are world famous, just because of all your struggles. I'm going to be there due to my business and sadly wealth."
"Don't blame the money, you love your money. Its what allows you to be Batman to make your tools."
"Your right, but the party is important. All the members of the League will be there, whether uniform or civilian clothes. The team as well, so many influential people in one place will be dangerous, so what do you say?"
"I want to go, I need a break from the cave." Robin laughs at me, Bruce chuckles.
"Ok, what color dress do you want?"
"Sapphire Blue, no crown this time please. I'm officially eleven, I also want long sleeves. They feel nice and then I won't need a jacket." Dick rolls his eyes, Bruce shrugs.

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