Damien's Desicsion

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So I had been living with Sister in her safe house for two weeks now, and let me just say, living with her has made me question everything that Grandfather and mother have taught me.
They have always taught me to be self reliant, merciless, strong, smart, and always go for the kill. Sister has shown me a new way to live, one that I never would have imagined existed. She is kind, caring, intelligent, cool headed, resourceful, compassionate, and she is very skilled. When we train, she doesn't harm me. She may give me bruises, but no scars or major injuries. Her skills are amazing, she is a trained assassin, but she doesn't kill. Sister also has shown me there is more than one way to defend yourself, she showed me how I can use my training as an assassin and use it to not kill but apprehend a target.
I've noticed also, how kind she is to me. Sure, she works on her laptop for an hour every day, but she still makes time to help me or just spend time with me. Mother was good at being there for me, but sister is just amazing at it. She always makes sure my needs are taken care of before her own, no matter how bad she is, she puts me before herself. Sister has also introduced me to some of the modern luxury, television. There is one channel I like, it's where these people try to solve mysteries. When sister saw one of the mysteries, she started to laugh, she said that it's not a mystery, it was just her while on the run. I've noticed how relaxed and calm Sister is as well, even though we are in hiding, she is relaxed and calm. I've heard her talk with her brother a few times, and it's made me question everything I know. Sister was trained and raised like me, yet she lives in such a way that is alien to me.
"Damien, dinner is ready." Ohh, I'm excited for food. Sister is an amazing chef, wherever she learned how to cook, thank you.
"Coming!" I run to the kitchen to eat, I was meditating in my room. Sister introduced it to me, said it helps her say calm and allows her to balance out her feelings. So, I gave it a shot.
"Sister, What is for dinner?"
"I tried something new, it's a philipino dish. It's called Tinola, it's a ginger based chicken dish, with rice, chayote, and I put in some spinach. It is supposed to help you when you have an upset stomach, or when you feel sick. You mentioned earlier that you didn't feel amazing, and I admit, I haven't felt the best either, so I made us a new dish that might help us." I'm standing there in shock, she actually cares that I haven't felt to good recently.
"Damien, what's wrong? You look like Rash just died?"
"It's nothing." She give me the spill look, so I cave. What, sister is scary sometimes.
"You just surprised me. Normally mother and Grandfather would have just ignored my comment of not feeling good, and you have been so kind to me. You where trained by mother and grandfather, yet you don't act like them." She looks at me shocked for a second then smiles.
"Damien, it took me a while to figure out how to live my life after I was brought out of ice. I too was confused on how I should act because what Thalia and Rash taught me, was the opposite of what I've always wanted to do. I have used what they taught me and allowed it to benefit me, I no longer take lives. I never wanted to do that, but I use the fighting skills I've gained and use them to bring justice to those wishing harm. Just because Thalia and Rash teach you things, doesn't mean you have to live and fight the way they do." I nod, understanding her words, but I'm still confused.
"Now, come on. Dinner is going to get cold if we don't eat it." I nod then race her to the table, I won, but I think sister let me. I know she is much faster than me, when she tries.
Let's just say, Tinola was sooooooo good. The soup broth warmed up my insides, while the ginger was sorta spicy at first, but then it tasted so good in my belly. I have no clue where sister got the idea for this, but they need my thanks. This is heaven put on a plate.
(Tinola is a real dish, it's my favorite food to eat. Yes I'm Filipino, yes, I love food!)
Sister is smiling at me, she also is enjoying her food. When we finish dinner, sister put on a movie for us. We are now watching Transformers Rise of the Fallen, we watched the first one yesterday, and tonight we watch the second. Let me just say, I love it! The idea of robots living and fighting, just amazing. The fight scenes are awesome, the sheer amount of power these battles have is just amazing. Sister didn't like how the robots get mercilessly dismantled, but let it pass as the where robots.
"Damien, what do you think you'll do when this threat is over?" I stared at my sister, that is a good question.
"I'm not sure. You have changed the way I view things, and how I fight. I'm not so sure my place is with the Assassins anymore, I'm just not sure." Jane nods but has a slight smile, I smile back and then go to bead.

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