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Natsu was upstairs in the guild's infirmary. Trying to get him to come back had proved near impossible. As soon as Erza and Gray swung over the edge to try to talk to him, and get him to come back, his eyes had become guarded. As soon as they tried to touch him, he had lashed out. I didn't remember Natsu's fire having ever been quite so hot, and I had to question just what exactly happened to him over that year without him.

Eventually, Erza had grown sick of trying to be gentle. She'd reequipped into her Flame Empress armor to avoid being burned, and thrown her sword so hard it pierced to concrete wall. It had caught the edge of Natsu's shirt, pinning him there. He was about to rip out of his position, when Gray knocked him out.

The last thing I saw before he slumped over, were his eyes. Eyes filled with distrust, and frustration. He whispered something under his breath that I couldn't catch, but beside me, Wendy's eyes bulged. She told me he said, "I don't want to go back. Please."

Those words were haunting me right now, forcing horrible ideas into my mind. I was tense at my seat at the bar, glancing upstairs every minute or so. Mira came over, trying to get me to relax, but nothing was working. My stomach was roiling in so much anxiety and paranoia that I couldn't manage to find any food put in front of me appetizing.

I sighed, resting my head on the palm of my hand. Erza had been the one to report the incident to the guild, and Master had told us we had to have our eyes on Natsu at all times. I had immediately volunteered to go first. Everyone in Team Natsu had each volunteered to take hour shifts, and right now was Wendy's. She had taken Happy in to see him, and for the first ten minutes of her shift, I could hear Happy sobbing.

I hadn't left since we had gotten here at about five in the afternoon. It was almost nine p.m. now, and I was waiting for Wendy to finish up before my turn came again. There were few people left in the guild. Only Team Natsu, Mira, Lisanna, and Juvia were still in the room. Makarov was upstairs, and he came down with Wendy when they were finished.

He must've seen our bloodshot eyes and the dark, heavy bags underneath them, because he ordered us to go home. I frowned. "But who's going to watch Natsu?" I asked.

Master sighed. "Lucy, it's Natsu. Just because he hasn't been here in a while, doesn't mean he can't take care of himself." The others still in the guild began to get ready to go. "He can stay here overnight by himself. He'll be fine."

"I guess," I said dejectedly, glancing upstairs. The others began to step out the doors, Makarov following.

He glanced back. "Lucy, let's go. I can't leave you in here." But you can leave Natsu? Instead of saying my cynical thoughts, I just nodded and followed. Makarov pushed the lock on the big doors and let them close behind us, though they didn't close all the way due to the decent sized rock shoved between the door and the wall. I followed Master until we split ways. I feigned walking for a minute before immediately turning back around, running to the guild.

I guess you could say I had attachment issues. But every time I seemed to let Natsu out of my sight, he disappeared. I refused to let it happen again.

I put my hand through the miniscule crack, expanding it enough to slip through. I flipped the light switch on, lighting up the guild. I headed up the stairs, immediately entering Natsu's room quietly. I didn't say anything to him, just pulled up a chair and sat beside his bed. I touched his hair hesitantly—he needed a haircut again—trying to comfort myself as much as him.

After about half an hour, I fell into a trance like state, and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.


Learning How To Live [E.N.D. | NaLu]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ