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I woke up in a panic. I clutched my chest and scrambled, tangled in the blankets until I threw them off of me. I panted in fear, my heart speeding too much for me to think straight. I grabbed my head, slowly calming down. But I couldn't keep an awful thought from hitting me.

We're trying to earn Natsu's trust, but maybe he's the one who needs to earn ours.


Pangs of worry were the only thing I could feel from Lucy. They hit my mind every few minutes, reminding me that I had people I had to come back to now. I didn't want her to feel like she did, so I started walking back into town.

I ambled through the streets, noticing some weird looks from onlookers of my fight yesterday. I felt even more uncomfortable than I had when I was walking through an underground lair filled with psychopaths with a chain around my neck. At least there, there were people who understood why I was who I was. There were people like me.

I cringed when the guild hall came into view, instantly stopping in my tracks. I found myself rooted to the spot, unable to make myself move, but a pulsing throb of anxiety from Lucy hit me, reminding me of my initial intentions.

I backtracked for a few minutes, and stopped when I stood below a wide open window. Despite its inviting appearance, I couldn't bring myself to jump and climb in. I turned to the apartment building entrance, and pushed the doors open, making my way to Lucy's apartment door. I twisted the knob, finding the front door unlocked, and pushed my way inside.

I saw Happy lying curled up on the couch, his face tense and his tail twitching every now and then. I tried to stay as quiet as possible to avoid waking him up, but sure enough he stirred at the creaking noise of the door closing. I cringed at the sight of him yawning and stretching, but knew I shouldn't run from him. "Lucy, are you back already...?" he trailed off, dragging the last word out when his tired eyes cracked open.

He blinked, as if to make sure I was real before jumping into my arms. I stumbled back into the door in surprise. His claws dug into my shoulder, but I didn't complain. He didn't look particularly different from when I'd first seen him again after a year. He didn't even look bothered by the fact that I'd nearly killed a guild member just yesterday.

"Where did you go?" he asked, sniffling.

"Happy, you know I'm not leaving, right?" I asked, ignoring his question.

He glanced down. "Sometimes, it's hard to believe," he answered quietly.

I didn't know how to respond to that. I held him in silence, his sniffling the only sound in the room. I felt a foreign pressure build up in my head, but dismissed it as a headache after the stress from the recent events. "Where's Lucy?" I asked quietly, wincing when the pressure increased.

Happy finally pulled himself away from my chest, hopping down to the floor. "She went to the library. She said she was running low on books." I glanced around the room with a raised eyebrow. Books were the only things lining the shelves, not to mention the ones piled high on her desk and coffee table.

I shrugged, and along with the sensation of my head being squeezed, a low whine began to vibrate my skull. My eyebrows furrowed. I knew this wasn't just a headache.

Happy raised an eyebrow at my apparent discomfort. "Are you okay?" he asked, worry in his voice.

"Fine," I muttered, putting a hand to my head as if that would help. "I think I need to sit down," I added, stumbling over to the couch. The low noise was rising, becoming a high ringing that wouldn't let me think straight.

Learning How To Live [E.N.D. | NaLu]Where stories live. Discover now