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We quickly exited the sewers, Natsu once again leading the way. I couldn't help but notice the look of pure confusion he showed on his face, but dismissed it, knowing confusion was all he felt recently.


Natsu was immediately swarmed with questions when we entered the guildhall. I stepped between Natsu and the other guild members when I noticed his nerves flare up. Our guildmates looked at us with endless questions in their eyes, but quickly turned their attention to Erza when they saw I wouldn't move.

Master stepped over to Natsu and I, asking to speak to us in private.

We quickly walked to the back of the guildhall, away from the crowd and into Master's office.

He motioned for us to sit down and started immediately. "Natsu, I'm sure you've noticed your guildmates have plenty of questions for you." Natsu tensed up. "I'm sure you're also aware that I have plenty of questions too."

I frowned in anticipation of the conversation ahead of us. "It might not be the best time, Master," I said quietly, glancing back at Natsu whose gaze remained fixed on the ground.

"Will there ever be a good time?" Master said, appearing frustrated. He turned back to Natsu. "Natsu, I need you to answer these questions." His gaze hardened. "Not just for your sake, but for the future of our guild." Master's eyes softened at Natsu's shaking body. "Can you do that for me?"

Natsu hesitated before nodding reluctantly, and Master sighed in relief before turning to me. "Lucy, you're here because I'm sure you know enough about the situation to fill in some gaps." I nodded in understanding and Master proceeded to ask away.

"How did you know about Erza?"

Natsu cringed, and I perked up at the question, curious. He glanced at me before turning back to the ground. "My old master contacted me telepathically." Natsu spat out the word 'master' with an aggression I'd hardly ever seen in him.

"Telepathically?" Master inquired.

Natsu glanced up at him. "Yes. Telepathically." He didn't elaborate.

Master's eyebrows furrowed before he continued. "How did you know where to find her?"

"I used to live there."

Master's eyes widened while I simply frowned in sympathy. "Is that where you were kept for the past year?" Master asked incredulously.

"Yep," Natsu responded dryly.

Master paused before speaking again, this time cautiously. "What exactly happened to you down there?"

At that question, Natsu completely froze up. I felt a wall fly up between our minds before his eyes rolled back and he slumped back in his chair.

I stood up quickly. "Natsu!" I cried out, quickly moving to his side.

Master frowned before glancing to me. "Lucy, I'm sure he's told you something. Care to explain for him?"

I didn't bother taking my eyes off of Natsu "Sure."

But before I could answer any questions, Natsu's eyes flew open and he sat up quickly, shivering aggressively.

"They're coming."


Lily's mind was frantic. Natsu, I really don't have much time.

What is—

Lily cut me off. They tortured me. They threatened to take my family away from me. Natsu, I'm so sorry. They're coming to Magnolia. They're not planning on making any sacrifices just yet.

Learning How To Live [E.N.D. | NaLu]Where stories live. Discover now