so, why not?

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red devils - chapter four

I'm still sitting on one of those extremly comfortable sofas I've been sitting on this whole night as I noticed how David must've disappereard a while ago. Pulling out my phone I noticed how late it already was. While talking to Paul, Marcus and Jesse I didn't even noticed how the time passed by.

"He's really cool, Smil. You should definitely meet him someday." Paul now said to me and I smiled in an apologising way since I didnt listen to him.

"Pardon, Paul. What did you say?" I asked politely.

"I was talking about my French teammate. Antoine Griezmann. I told you you should meet him someday. He's a nice dude and everytime I'm around Grizi it's really fun." He told me with a huge smile. I guessed he was happy to see his teammate again.

"I'd love to, Paul!" I smiled. "You should come visit us in Russia, Smilla. Bring Linnea too! I'm really looking forward to this, you too Jesse, right?" Marcus exclaimed happily and full of anticipation. Jesse nodded and smiled at his best friend.

"Right, Linnea.. Guys I'm sorry. I'd love to tell you this one story about when I was in Moskau but I gotta find Linnea. She's been gone for hours now and I wanna check up on her." I looked at them in an apologising way and they immediately understood what this was all about. I haven't seen her in a while now. She left the lounge with Luke and I began worrying a while ago.

I had to leave my comfortable seat again and finally got up after convincing Jesse I'd be okay on my own and that he didn't had to come with me.

But still, he insisted. What a stubborn boy.

"You're wearing my jacket, Smilla. I'm coming with you. I just want to look after you." His big brown eyes looking at me. I had no clue what his jacket had to do with this, I suggested he wanted to look after it, or something. That thing must've been expensive. I finally gave in and accepted his offer.

We left the left the lounge and once again I was elbowing my way through a crowd: But this time it wasn't the Manchester Central Station and this time I wasn't alone. This time it was the famous Bijou Club and I was crossing it with Jesse Lingard in tow.

Jesse and I had a hard time not losing each other since there were a ton of people dancing around us.

I then recognized Linnea and Luke standing at the club's bar, talking to each other and both of them laughing. They seemed pretty attracted to one another. I smiled, I was happy for my best friend. Seems like she found a nice guy. I hope he wasn't just some flirt.

"They're at the bar, Jesse. We fou-" I said turning around, hoping to look into a pair of brown eyes but I got disappointed. He wasn't there anymore. I must've lost him in the crowd.

Again I scrambled my way through the ton of dancing people, trying to find Jesse. I called his name two or three times as I bumped into someone nearly loosing my balance. I felt two arms being wrapped around me as I looked up into the brown pair of eyes I looked for. Jesse catched me.

"We gotta stop meeting like this, seriously.." I didn't have to scream over the music, Jesse was near enough to understand every word I said. He was examining me with his eyes.

"At least I didn't spill champagne all over you this time."

We both laughed and I guess we had something what people who are in love with each other call would call "a moment".

"We should get to a place somewhere quieter."Jesse suggested and I nodded. His suggestion eased the tension between us but was brought back the second he took my hand.

So we wouldn't lose each other.

Of course.

No other intention there.

He lead me through the ton of people out of the club and I was impressed as we entered a small balcony. The view was amazing. I looked at all the lights and bulidings, the nightlife of Manchester was beautiful. Jesse then cought my sight and my eyes now were examining him. Him standing there in his tight black t shirt. His jawline so sharp I could cut myself by touching it.

The view really was amazing.

Jesse then sat down on a cute, tiny sofa that stood out here. I was leaning against the balcony rail. We were looking at each other.

"So.." We said simultaneously.

"You first, Smilla." Jesse offered and I nodded thankfully.

"It's just.. Where do I know you from? Nothing football related or anything, it feels like I've seen you before." I asked him raising an eyebrow. I brushed some hair out of my face since it was a bit windy outside.

Jesse considered for while. "We went to highschool together, didn't we?" He asked. "You're from Warrington as well, am I right?"

I immediately sat down next to him. "Bloody hell! You're another Bridgewater High survivor?" He was laughing then nodding and saying "You graduated a year before I did, which is why we never really crossed paths... I guess." He seemed disappointed.

"Are you disappointed by that, Champagne Boy?" I said giggling.

"I'm not!" He exclaimed and I bursted into laughter again. He's so cute.

We then continued to talk about Highschool. We shared some gossip about people we both knew and agreed on how fantastic it is that we both ended up being exactly who we wanted to be. Talking about all of this I noticed how fast the time really passes by. I'm old. That's the tea for tonight.

"So you've become an interpreter right?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow. He knew that. The guys asked me all about it.

"I am. An independent one. Like a private one. I choose assignments by myself." I said, proud actually. It was a long way but I made myself a name.

"So the mationalteam still needs an interpreter for the World Cup." He said

"Are you saying..?" My eyes widened.

"I'm saying that we still need an interpreter and you seem to be a good one. You're fluent in Russian, so why not?"

So this is how Jesse and Smilla will get closer! Stay tuned guys, it's gonna be one hell of a way!❤️
Let me know what you think about this chapter!
- lu

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