plus one.

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red devils - chapter three

We went by tube into the city of Manchester and now were ambleing through the streets of the Northern Quarter, an area in the centre of the city, which finds it's place between Piccadilly and Victoria Station, right next to Piccadilly Garden.

"Basically everything just..changed. It looks so much more modern and colourful." My voice found it's way to Linnea while we were walking through the breathtaking city centre of Manchester. I always admired it here but while I was absent the inner-city developed into a nodal point for streetart and street musicians.

Later for lunch we decided to have something extremly non-british. There wasn't another choice but eating at Cane & Grains, a diner in Thomas Street. We both ordered a burger and chips, getting the obviously American waiter confused, what we actually wanted to eat since he thought we wanted potato crisps. Despite that little misunderstanding we made a new friend: His name is Christian and he just recently moved to Manchester. He's originally from America and is trying to become a professional footballer and somehow thought he had pretty good chances with Manchester United. After eating the meal we ordered, which could've easily been eaten by a whole family, Linnea and I decided to go home and get ready for the party.

While listening to "Single Ladies" by Beyoncé we both got ready, putting on make up and wearing the most expensive looking dresses we found.

"Why exactly do we have to look like we've just entered a night club on the Upper East Side? Literally I haven't been feeling that overdressed since I went to that village disco in Germany and we didn't even enter the club yet"
I complained looking at myself at the mirror, trying to figure out if I liked that tight, dark green velvet dress on my body. I'm neither thin than thick, I got some curves but I'm no sporty person, never been. My hair looked as always: beachy waves I'm pretty tired off. While I was wrapping a strain of my hair around my finger I was thinking about changing my hair style but I pretty much did everything I liked with my hair. From light pink to bangs, I did everything.

"Smilla you look great, honey!" Linnea cupped my face as if she knew what I was thinking about while looking into the mirror. "We're going to the Bijou Club, Smilla. That club has reputation, status and glamour rolled into one!" She explained to me. "Well that's what their homepage says." She said putting her hands up in the air as an defence mechanism since she must've seen my irritated look.

"The Bijou Club? Bloody hell, Linnea you didnt tell me that!' Going to the Bijou Club really caught me in surprise. It's one of Manchester's hidden party gems and often hosts after after-parties for celebrities.

"I wanted it to be a surprise but your complaining ass couldn't stop asking questions. Luke brought us in and he wants to meets us at the entrance. Our names are on the guestlists. Okay, mine is but you are my plus one" She said looking at me and defining her already wavy hair with a curling iron.

Now I felt sorry for ruining her surprise with my curious attitude. I just hugged her and said: "Thanks, Lin. You're the best."

We were now sipping some cheap prosecco in the cab we called. We were on our way to the club. I was highkey excited. I've already been to expensive Nightclubs because of my work but the Bijou Club is something different. I've wanted to go there since I was a teenager and so did Linnea.

We got out of the cab as soon as we arrived in front of the building and were now heading for the door steward.

We friendly greeted the tall man, who was wearing a suit and had a very strong pokerface. I swear if that guy crossed my path at night I'd be extremely afraid.

"Linnea Goldblum plus one." Linnea politely said to him and he checked his clipboard. "Not on the list." he said monotonously not even really looking at us.

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