If You Will It, It Is No Dream

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Disclaimer: We do not own any of Code Geass/Black Lagoon characters, stories or anything else related to Code Geass or Black Lagoon, all of it belongs to their creators.

A/N: Hi everyone, finally have the first chapter of Roanapur Connection is here. For those who aren't Code Geass fans or have read my CG fics. Roanapur Connection is actually a prequel fic to my own soon to be rebooted Code Geass fic by good friend anneauxdelacroix , Code Geass Colored Memories and in general to Code Geass as well. Since the mid 90's period of it has never been covered in any fanfic, canon source in any real detail despite much happening in it according to the R2 novels and the rise and fall of certain people and powers. Mixed that with my own desire to explore Black Lagoon after watching it and falling in love with it. Along with a fair bit of backstory i came up with for Colored Memories relating to Kaguya Sumeragi and her parents that I also felt would make for a great fic in it's own right.

Viola we have Roanapur Connection.

That is mainly being written by my good friend Seth Slimy Rollins aka Waggleton. The writer of Persona 5 fic Persona: Unconscience and by myself in a few sections. We will update this fic wherever possible. But just to note this fic is being written by Seth whenever he gets spare time from his Persona fic that is his main project and me form when i ain't busy rebooting Colored Memories and RL commitments. Our current schedule is every other month to update with new chapter.

We hope you enjoy our work and how we explore both series at the same time.

Me and Seth thank you for reading our fic and for taking the time to click, review etc.

Blackmambauk and Seth Rollins.

Cover art by KiraLNG.

Chapter edited by JadeLei727

[Date: 04/04/1995 ATB, Time: 20:00, Sakai Town Center/Sumeragi Conglomerate Headquarters Office]

Of all the things Natsumi Sumeragi prized about herself, one of her most secretly treasured traits was her inability to dream. Every night she would sleep, and she would rise the next morning without any kind of shock or freakish recollections. She would hear her colleagues complain about night terrors or sad memories of things that could not be, whether from the quiet chatters amongst her employees or her own family, and she would quietly snicker, blessed to be free of any kind of wandering mind.

It wasn't always the case, sadly, but thankfully, Natsumi had expunged all memories of the frivolous machinations of her childish mind. No sad thoughts of her old classmates, crushes, loves, dreams that could be mixed with history.

There was only one nightmare that she could never escape — her, as a child standing on the shores of Sakai. Giant monsters, masses of hatred, storming and destroying the Daisen Kofun. The moon crimson and raging across the twinkling stars. She watched as ancestors upon ancestors became engulfed in flame, destroyed by an undefined war from an impossible future. Her country was turned into a cathedral of death worship. The memory was clear and horrifying, nestled in between lazy Sundays in the fields of Japan, and working calmly and studiously with the tutors her family could afford.

This memory is why Natsumi demanded her office in the Sumeragi Conglomerate Headquarters must be in a certain spot, overlooking the holy burial ground of Daisen Kofun. She stared at it in defiance every morning as she studied and planned, while eating whatever small meals she decided to eat on her own, or when admiring a prized possession — a small, yet ancient farming knife that was recovered during reconstruction work on the mound's tourist museum. She paid more than she probably should for it, stealing a piece of immense archeological importance in a bit of frivolous spending and slight pettiness towards herself.

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