Chapter 6

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((A.N Heeyy stabbing unicorns! cx i'm updating from my phone once again! Wee~ just for you guys! xD noww sorry about the mistakes T-T love yew stay safe!))

Chapter 6

*** Lena's P.O.V ***

I had just awoken by a sound of my door opening.
I looked towards the door to notice that there was a figure standing there which was completely unknown to me.
Judging by the little light that came piercing through my curtains I could tell that it would be earlier than 6 A.M.

I stared at the figure, my eyes being blurry due to just waking up. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and yawned.
"D-Darian?" I asked. "I-is that you?" I asked and yawned again from being really tired. The figure came closer and I noticed it had a mask just covering its mouth and a axe-like thing which he was holding behind him. I still wasn't sure who this was.
Soon my vision was clearer.. And.. A-and.. My eyes were now wide in shock and fear as I recognized who this was..

"No, darling." He said in a deep voice. He chuckled in his deep low voice.. it sent shivers down my whole body.

"T-toby?!" I asked my voice rather shaky from the shock.
He stared at me, or at least it seemed like he did. I couldn't tell much of his expression. Due to him wearing a mask and goggles.

"How do you know my name?" He asked in a stern voice.
"What do you want from me?" I questioned him not bothering to respond to his question. I was fed up! First some freak calling himself 'Jeff the killer.' now some idiot calling himself 'Ticci Toby?.' I was so angry that I hadn't noticed the tears of frustration shedding from
my eyes. I quickly wiped the tears off.

"Oh darling now don't cry. we're just gonna take you somewhere to check some things then you'll be back." He said in a slightly soft voice.

"Where?" I asked as stern as I could be.
"Now now Lena.. I'm sure you're wondering so many things and have lots of questions, but the answers come later darling." he said in a soft voice and took my hand.

"Just follow me or you'll die." He whispered.. But I heard him. He ran through the woods. He was holding my hand, I tried to pull away a few times but he would just turn around and give me a look then run again.

We finally reached to some house and he opened the door for me.
"Ladies first." He said holding the door open for me.
I blushed slightly and accepted. I went inside the house, he closed the door after entering behind him. "Toby!?? Is that youu?" whined a boy. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, it probably must be him.

He came down the stairs and I gasped as I saw him. I-it.. It was BEN!

"Holy beacon pancakes!!!!" Said BEN in excitement. I just stood there stunned.
"Toby is this the hottie you were talking about? She's hotter than you described her!" Said BEN.. I just felt my cheeks getting extremely warm. I looked down to avoid the boys making contact with my cheeks.

I ran to Toby who was now walking towards a place in this house which seemed like a kitchen. I hid behind him and grabbed his hoodie. Clutching my nails into his hoodie, I was extremely shy at the moment.
"Haha Ben stop! You're scaring the girl!" Said Toby while laughing in a cheerful tone.

BEN came to the kitchen and stared at Toby. "You can sleep in my bed tonight." Offered BEN.
"T-toby." I managed to blurt out.
"S-save me from this pervert!" I said while blushing pretty hard.

Toby chuckled then burst into laughter as I stood there behind him looking at the floor avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

"Alright, alright. Ben, we're not sleeping in our room tonight. We will be sleeping in the living room, and she, only she alone will be taking mine or your bed."
Announced Toby.

"Hey what'd you call me? pervert? I ain't no perv! And bro!!! let me sleep with this babe you can sleep in the living room tonight." Replied Ben. I could feel myself shivering.. it was awkward..

I never thought even for a moment to be in a house with two of my favorite creepypastas.. What's happening? God damn! I never thought they were even real!

"Ben it's time you became a real man!" Said Toby. Ben glared at him with his red eyes.. Kinda creepy and hot.
"What you tryna' call me bro?" Asked BEN.

"Not tryna' call you anything bro, just sayin' you might wanna grow up bro."
Replied Toby, while shrugging.

"You tryna' say i'ma kid bro?" asked BEN.

"Ouch" I said glaring at the two boys who were now kinda fighting.

"Exactly that hurt bro." Said BEN.

"Bro, bro, brahhh, I ain't tryna' hurt you! A girl needs her space right Lena?"
I nodded in agreement.
"And also a man." Said BEN, who was now glaring at me with a cheeky grin.

"Um.. However bro.. We will not be sleeping in our room tonight." Said Toby.

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