Authors note, again!

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I know you guys probably, most likely, hate these. Ok ok sorry for not
updating,  had tons of quizzes, and shit but hey, thats over. Aight' sooo, honestly I don't know how to continue this story. Nope, I will not end it, I want to make it long, about 80 or so chapters, but then again it'd probably be a waste since I'm too lazy to describe and when I do try, it's not that good so I wonder if I do make it long will anyone even read it?

But then again thats not important since, just one of you guys is enough to motivate me to continue, but honestly right now... I'm out of ideas.

If you, creative unicorns could leave a comment, letting me know some of your ideas, i'd honestly appreciate it.

And if you don't have an account, or didn't see this, it's completely fine, I won't give up on this story.

I won't give up on you! These scars won't pull us apart, so don't give up on me! Its not too late for us!
And i'll save you from yourself!! ❤️

Love them so much!

Anndd sorry couldn't find the original one, soo yeah.

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