Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

***Lea's P.O.V***

I scrolled through my dashboard and reblogged somethings that I found either funny or cool. I also posted a status saying;

Dear friends,

Hello, I'm sorry that I haven't been online for sometime, and haven't posted any new drawings/fan arts! You guys MUST forgive me! I swear, I've just been so busy, with some personal things. Please do not mind my absence.

However, as soon as I find time I will get back to my daily posting. Love you all!

Writing the status made me happy. My followers were my friends, one I personally cared about a lot. Going through some hardships, they were the ones who wiped my tears away, and gave me hope. Hope, that everything will be OK. Honestly I couldn't wish for anyone better than most of my followers.

I heard a knock on my door, I tilted my head towards the wooden door and looked at it. "Who is it?" I asked with a curious tone. Either way I was not wearing any proper attire, to let anyone in. "It's me Lea. Dinner's ready." Said the familiar, deep accent that only my brother had.

"One minuet!" I answered immediately getting up, to go wear some clothes.

"Alright. I'll be here." Replied my brother from behind the door."

I walked towards the duffle bag, that lay on the floor. I reached for it, and grabbed it bringing it to my bed with me. I unzipped the bag and searched for clothes. I turned the bag upside down, and the clothes came falling out. Or just some of them did. Once they all lay on my bed, I looked at most. Deciding which one to wear.

Soon my eyes met a thing that looked like a shirt. It was black. I touched the fabric, or more like stroked it. It was soft, I grabbed it, knowing it was comfortable. As I did, I saw that it was not a shirt, but a dress. It was a plain-black dress, that went till my knees. I liked the look, so I slipped it on.

After I wore the dress, I also needed to wear some shoes. I looked around the room, hoping to see the previous ones I wore, And luckily! I did.

I smiled as my eyes met those black converse sneakers. I walked towards them and slipped them on. The laces were luckily already tied so, there was no need of tying them. It fit perfectly, I wore them without socks, since I have no idea where my last ones were.

I took a last look of myself on the mirror and smiled. I didn't look all that bad. I strike'd some weird-confident poses. I smiled at my idiocy and weirdness. With that I went out the wooden door. I turned to the left and saw my brother standing there, with his arms crossed over his chest. I smiled a forced smile, that mostly came out, as a pout, as I hugged myself.

I looked around the corridor. It seemed pretty long, like one, that was like Slenderman's mansion's corridor. Maybe he owned a mansion? I was still waiting for an proper explanation.

"So.." I started as I turned around to see him waiting, halfway down the corridor already? Maybe I had dosed off too much? I walked down the corridor following him.

"Yes, Lea?" He asked with a serious tone. This wasn't the brother I knew.


((Third person perspective.))

"Lea and Anne, kissing on a tree! K.I.S.S.I.N.G~" The brown-haired, jolly teenager sang. The singing only pissed his younger sister off. Not much, but only that. The young lady that sat on the tree with her best friend, raised an eyebrow. Clearly showing that she was pissed.

Her brother replied her look with a grin of his own, showing her the 'no regrets'. Look. Her sister took off her pink-glittery, tennis shoes and threw it at her cheerful brother. As it hit him, he crossed his arms over his chest. "Hey! That hurt! I was only giving my opinion on the 'whole thing'! I don't mind you being a lesbian." The blue eyed man replied, with now a frown on his face, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, showing that he was trying to look pissed.

"For gods sake Lucifer! Just lea-" The talking female got cut off by her redheaded friend. "Lucifer, leave!" Demanded her friend in a irritated tone. The redheaded female crossed her arms below her chest, as she glared at, the other young ladies brother.

~End of flashback~

***Lea's P.O.V

Without noticing it I had already reached the living room. It was huge! So he did live in a mansion, I thought.

He had already reached the dining table, without me noticing it, yet again. The table was set already. I felt bad for not asking him if whether he needed help or not. But, honestly what caught my attention was the food. Did he really cook all of this? This seems like it must've took more than hours! There were many dishes sat on the table.

Garlic bread, roasted chicken, soup, spaghetti, a chocolate-covered frosted cake and french fries.

To be honest, I felt also rather ashamed. I was not good at cooking myself, seeing as he.. Seemed like he cooked so perfectly! "Wow.." I muttered, as I eyed the table.

((Uh ah, end of chapter 17.. Don't kill me! xD Btw, Toby would like a hug!

-Toby extends arms for reader- ))

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