Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Lea's pov

The pills had worked after a good 4 hours.

Toby woke up around 3 or 2 hours ago and we discussed our little thing that happened yesterday and how we felt about each other.

I was happy to find out that Toby felt the same way I did about him and he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Which I gladly agreed to.

Now I was sitting in an office, facing the desk that slendy was behind.

His fingers laces together, as his face was directed towards mine like he was looking at me.

"Lena.." His voice sounded deep, but then again thats his normal tone.

"Yes Slendy?" I asked confused clearly.

He had only said he needed to speak with me about something important and didn't speak of anything else, just that he needed to speak with me about something important.

It seemed as if whatever it was bothered him too much and mattered to me.

"Look, I don't know how to say this but it's Lucifer. He's died.. it's a confusing thing to me too. He can't die but somehow he did and I don't have an answer to how either but he's dead." He said too quick for my brain to function what he means.

And soon I realised what he meant, my eyes went wide open and I gulped.

Tears formed in my eyes but I don't know why, I didn't feel sad, so why was I crying? Maybe because he's my brother, and he had finally actually this time died? Unlike the last?

"Oh" was my only response. I had nothing else to say as I felt the tears slowly rolling down my cheeks.

"There's one more thing.." He hesitated, as he rubbed his forehead in frustration.

I nodded, "y-yes?" I stuttered before wiping my eyes furiously and sniffling a bit.

"Now that he's dead.. Someone must take over, a relative." He explained as he gulped.

I had stopped crying, but still sniffled. A relative? But i'm his only sister.

"Lea the role will be given to you when you reach the age of 18. Slowly you will start to feel differences and you will feel powerful. You cannot stop this it is a curse that cannot be broken."

I bit my lip awkwardly, when I become 18? I didn't want to be a demon or whatever he agreed to be. I didn't want to murder or become a psychopath.

I was 16 and in 2 years I would have to turn into a demon? Please..

"I don't want to be a terrifying demon Slendy help me.. Can't I just give the role to someone else?" I pleaded.

He shook his head, "No you can't, it is yours to have and you must make sure no one knows your gender for it should be hidden. Do not talk about this with anyone. No one should no. Even about Lucifer's death- for i'm afraid all hell will break lose." He whispered the last part.

"You may leave."

And that was my cue to get the fuck out of here.

As soon as I got out I put on a bored expression and pretended nothing was wrong. I was perfect at that.

I made my way to the kitchen to make pop tarts, yum!

I put the cherry flavour in the microwave and waited for it to get ready.

What was I to do now? I was forced to become a Zalgo.. A killing machine what I feared all my life.

I pushed the thoughts out of my mind, I still had 2 years until that became reality. My reality.

I shivered in distaste.

The beep that I had waited for all my life, or it seemed like so at least was finally heard.

I opened the door of the microwave, taking out my pop tarts and putting them in my plate.

I walked over to the counter stool and placed the plate of pop tarts on the counter.

I sat down on the stool and just thought, thought about everything.

How my life is so fucked up.

How I only have 2 years till I will be forced to be what I never want to be.

How I hate it when i'm forced.

How hard it will be.

Why did he have to agree to all this bullshit?

Why put me into this?

Why ruin my life?

He said he loved me but that had been a lie. He said he cared but he actually only wanted me so when he died someone would be there to take over, and no one would find out that it's me- the fragile little shy innocent girl.

And I believed his bullshit. I fell for it and look where caring has brought me now!

"Lea? Are you just going to sit there and do nothing? Your pop tarts are probably cold now.." Toby's voice snapped me back to reality.

I looked at my plate and frowned. "Ahh I must've gotten too lost in my own thoughts to realise that! I'll just reheat them." I chuckled.

"Let me do that for you." He offered.

He walked to the counter and grabbed my plate off the counter, walking to the microwave and putting the pop tarts in.

I leaned my elbow against the counter as I put my chin in the palm of my hands.

My life was so fucked up and there was no absolute way I could fix it.

He shortly came back with the plate of pop tarts and put them in front of me.

I grabbed one and moaned at the sweet smell.

I took a bite of it then smiled up at Toby.

(( HA! Two updates in one day fuck yaas stabbing unicorns! The story is going to end soon and i'm sorry for having to announce this but I just thought i'd tell you guys. Thanks for reading please vote and comment. ))

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